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I just moved to a new state 2 months ago and my cat has peed on my bed probably 9 times since. 3 times while I’m physically in bed trying to sleep. She used to pee on my bed before our move, whenever I’d be gone overnight somewhere. I’m not sure what to do. She’s 6 now and she’s been doing this since the pandemic. I haven’t tried anxiety meds yet and every vet visit I’ve had they say she’s healthy. I love her so much but I’m wondering if re-homing her is something I should consider.

Hello, thank you for using Boop by Petco. A cat can be "healthy" and still have urination issues as you have described because the problem is behavioral and not medical. If it has been ruled out that she does not have any underlying medical conditions (kidney issues, bladder problems, UTI, etc) then you should try the behavioral modification medication. The medications work well and cats rarely have any side effects with their use. Please talk to your vet about this. This problem is not only stressful for you but also for Prune. And typically what happens is, if you rehome her, she will do the same behavior at the new person's house. Inevitably they get frustrated and they will rehome her and the cycle continues as she is passed from home to home. She may even end up at a shelter as unadaptable which in some shelters means euthanasia. Please don't do that to her and speak to your vet about medication. I can tell you love her very much and someone else may not feel the same about her. The medication is not expensive and typically is easy to administer. The medication does not usually change their attitude towards you or change their personality in any drastic way. It is an easy solution. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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Should I be worried about this white spot a little under and above my cat’s eye? I just noticed it today. She doesn’t seem to be in pain and not bothering her.

Hello and thank you for contacting Boop by Petco. It could be a scratch (or other form of trauma) to the eyelids. If it is not bothering Fergie and she is acting as normal, you should monitor her at home for now. However, if she scratches the area excessively or the eyelids become swollen or painful, you should take your cat to your local vets for an appointment.

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We have a cat that may have eaten a long piece of string a few days ago. He's showing no symptoms, but we can't find the string. How long before we can stop worrying?

Hello and thank you for contacting Boop by Petco. The symptoms of linear foreign body are usually evident within a few days (1-3 days) after ingestion. The most consistent symptom is vomiting, which can be persistent (every few hours) or infrequent (for example every other day). As long as Tommy is not vomiting and he is not showing any other worrying symptoms like poor appetite, abdominal pain, difficulties to defecate you should continue monitoring him at home for another few days. If after that time he remains asymptomatic, it will mean that he is out of trouble.

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Hi my cats right thumb nail ripped off completely exposing the nail bed. I spoke w a vet yesterday and she said to put triple antibiotic ointment on the nail bed twice a day. Which I have been doing and I also have been cleaning it with cat wound spray, water & some empsom salt soaks. My question is do I need to keep gauze on his paw or keep it exposed and place a cone on him so he doesn’t lick the wound and get it infected?

If it's not bleeding I would typically not cover it, especially since a bandage can be difficult to keep in place. I'd recommend using the cone to keep him from licking. You probably do not need to clean or soak any more unless there is obvious dirt on the area - cleaning and soaking could lead to further irritation.

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My cat is not eating, no energy and sleeps all the time

Your cat should be examined by a veterinarian for a work up and treatment. There are a lot of diseases that could cause those signs including diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, gastrointestinal issues, thyroid disease, and cardiac disease. Your vet may need to run lab-work and take X-rays to diagnose.

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I purchased a 50 mg suspension pyrantel pamoate to deworm my cats. I was wondering what the proper dosage is for the following cats: Male/9 months old/ 12 lbs Male/ 9 month old 10 lbs Male/ 8 weeks old/ 2 lbs Thank you!

What an adorable kitten!! Each ml of the drug contains 50mg of the pyrantel base, and the dose for pyrantel pamoate is 5mg/kg. Here is how to figure it out: Body weight in pounds divided by 2.2 gives you the body weight in kg. For example, a 12 pound cat is 5.45 kg. Then, take the kg weight and multiply it by 5 -- in the example above, the 12 pound (5.45 kg) cat would get 27.27 mg of the pyrantel. Since each ml contains 50 mg, take 27.27 and divide by 50......27.27/50 = 0.54 ml. 12 pound cat = 0.54ml 10 pound cat = 0.45ml 2 pound cat = 0.09ml Be sure to dose them again in two weeks to make sure all the worms are killed. I hope this helps!

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Why are my cat's paws so warm?

Cats paws can feel warm to us because a cat's normal body temperature is higher than ours, between 99.5 - 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have any worries that your cat is running a [fever](, you can always get a [rectal temperature]( (if he will let you!). But if he is acting normal and there is no [vomiting](, decreased appetite or diarrhea, he is probably fine.

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How much exercise does my pet need to maintain a healthy weight?

For most dogs, a 20-to 30-minute walk twice a day is a sufficient amount of exercise. However, traditionally active breeds or high-energy dogs may require more exercise, including the chance to run off leash in a safe area for longer periods of time. In addition, your pet’s exercise needs will vary based on their age, size and overall health. Cats also need a plenty of exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight and can benefit from chasing a laser pointer or utilizing puzzle toys. Some cats can even be taught to play fetch. While exercise is one important aspect of maintaining a healthy body weight, proper diet and feeding practices are equally important. Pets should be offered portion-controlled meals of a high-quality, balanced diet while avoiding people foods or excessive quantities of treats.

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What signs should I be looking for to know if my dog or cat is overweight?

Sadly, overweight pets are so common that those actually at a healthy body weight may appear too thin to many people. As a general rule of thumb, a dog or cat’s ribs should be easy to feel under a *thin* fat covering, but should not be visible or difficult to feel. Additionally, a dog or cat should have a visible “waistline” with a tuck up in their abdomen. Your veterinarian can assess the body condition scores of to provide a more objective measurement of your pet’s weight, but tools like the [PetCoach Healthy Pet Weight Calculator]( can also help to guide pet owners at home. Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to a pet’s health, as obesity can lead to an increased risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and a number of other health conditions.

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