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61166 Questions

I accidentally closed the door on my dog stomach, I didn't see him there. I was wondering if any internal bleeding can happen?

There is a chance that could happen to Jim, but if you didn't close the door hard on his stomach, then it is not likely. You can monitor him for now, and if his stomach appears tender or he acts as if he is in pain, you can take him into the vet for a health check.

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My dog has thrown up 4 times and I am worried something is wrong. He is acting like his normal self but throwing up foamy bile.

Since he is otherwise acting normal, you could withhold food for the day and then try a bland diet of chicken and white rice. If the vomiting continues and/or he becomes lethargic than he needs to be examined by a vet to determine the cause. He could have an infection, parasite, metabolic/endocrine disease, pancreatitis, obstruction, etc. Your vet can run lab work and take x-rays, if needed, to help diagnose and then determine the best way to treat. He may need medications to control the vomiting and fluids to prevent dehydration. If your vet is not open than you will need to find an emergency clinic to treat him. Hope he feels better soon.

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My 5 month old puppy is still peeing and pooing in the house. I've used puppy pads but I only leave one out at night for him now. He goes to the back door to do it but how do I get him to bark to let me know that he needs to go out?

It's completely normal for Ziggy to still be having accidents in the house at this age - most puppies are not reliably housetrained until 8-12 months of age. For now, since he is still having accidents, I would recommend taking him out very frequently (every 20-30 minutes, unless he is sleeping) - praise and reward him with a treat as soon as he pees or poops outside. Inside, he needs to be supervised at all times to prevent accidents. When you aren't able to watch him, he should be in a crate or a puppy-proofed room where accidents will be easy to clean up. He will start letting you know when he needs to go out when he gets a little older - first, he needs to have a strong habit of going potty outside, which it sounds like isn't really established yet. For now, you need to be taking him out frequently even if he doesn't bark or give any other kind of signal - this will come with time.

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What is the best canine diet for our 11yo Chihuahua with Gall Bladder sludge. She is down to 9 lbs.

Typically a low fat diet is recommended. They have several forms such as science diet W/D or low fat I/D would be a good choice if there is vomiting as it is a little easier to digest. It is best to monitor the gall bladder via ultrasound to check progress.

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Can Carprofen and Temaril P be taken together for my 12 year old Dachshund? I'm pretty sure that they can't since.

No, please don’t use them together. Temaril P has a low dose of prednisone in it and you don’t want to use prednisone with a non- steroidal medication. It could cause side effects including gastric ulcers or could damage the liver or kidneys. It’s safe to use Benadryl for allergies with Carprofen. Thanks for using Boop by Petco to help you get answers to your veterinary questions.

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My dog has developed dry patchy brown flakey skin on her vulva and across her tummy. Could this be a yeast infection?

Yes it could possibly be due to a Malassezia species (an yeast) infection. Usually mild infection like this one, do not need an oral systemic treatment, but an antiseptic shampoo (like Malaseb shampoo - on prescription) would be enough to stop the spreading of it and resolve it. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further.

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My dogs stomach won't stop making loud gurgling noises and he threw up a little bit?

Poor Papas! It sounds like he has an upset stomach, which could be caused by a GI illness, eating something rotten, a foreign body, or pancreatitis. I can give you a home remedy to try to see if that helps. Withhold food for 12-24 hours, then feed a bland diet of boiled white meat chicken (no bones) and white rice in small amounts several times a day for a couple of days. Then slowly add back in his normal diet. If the vomiting continues in the absence of food, he vomits the bland diet, develops diarrhea, stops drinking water, starts vomiting water, or becomes very lethargic, he will need to see a vet right away.

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My dog is sat shaking, won't eat, move or drink. What is wrong?

Poor Dexter! The symptoms you describe are usually caused by some type of pain or discomfort, but it's hard to say more specifically what might be wrong without being able to examine him in person. He may have back or neck pain due to a "slipped" or herniated disc, abdominal pain due to an upset stomach, or he may have been injured somehow. Since it sounds like Dexter is quite uncomfortable, I would really recommend taking him to a vet today - he/she can do a complete physical exam to help determine where he might be painful, and may also recommend x-rays or other testing if needed to diagnose the problem.

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I noticed today that the bridge of my dogs nose is covered in lumps. What could this be? He isn't acting weird and doesn't seem bothered by it, but I'm pretty concerned.

Since there are a few lumps all in a row, my best guess as to what that would be is some sort of irritating from something that he stuck his nose into. It could also be a series of insect bites that are now deciding to swell up. Without examining, palpating, and possible aspirating the affected areas it is really impossible to say with certainly, but with that would definitely be my best guess based on the photos. If areas seem like they are hard, or very warm to the touch, they should definitely be examined by a veterinarian for other possibilities. Some of these would include some sort of bony abnormalities or the beginnings of an abscess, though it would be a very strange location. Hope this helps!

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