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hello dear, i gave infant motrin 1.25ml to my dog, she is 7 lb , i,m concern that i can poisining her wiht motrin

You should never give this medication or any other that contain Ibuprofen to your dog as it is toxic, doses as low as 5mg/pound could potentially be toxic to Nina. The amount you gave her is not likely to cause a severe toxicity, but you should watch her for any of the following: Diarrhea, Vomiting, abdominal pain and anorexia. If she shows any of these symptoms- take her to the vet urgently.

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My dogs tail got slammed in a door and I took her to my vet and he just shaved and cleaned it but it's still bleeding a bit. What should I do?

I'm sorry Samantha's tail was slammed in a dog! First off, you did exactly the right thing by taking her into the vet. The problem with tail wounds is that dogs wag their tails, putting the wound at risk of opening back up. If Samantha is wagging her tail, that's probably why you are still seeing a bit of blood. If it's only a bit of blood, then I wouldn't be concerned. If it's a lot of blood, I would be concerned, and then you should take her back into your vet. It's impossible to get a dog to stop wagging their tail, so I recommend putting a bandage over the wound where it's bleeding in an effort to stop the bleeding. Don't put the bandage on so tight that it restricts blood flow to the tail. Samantha may want to bite and chew at the bandage, so I would get an Ecollar from the pet store to prevent her from doing that.

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I give my dog wet and dry food but she will not eat the dry unless the wet food with it how do I just get to dry

Great question! I would mix the wet and dry food together, and over the course of two weeks, slowly decrease the amount of wet food and increase the amount of dry food so Maxine is eating the dry food only. Start off with 75% wet and 25% dry, and feed that for a few days. Then give her 50% wet and 50% day, feed for a couple of days. After that, give her 25% wet and 75% dry, again feeding for a couple of days. Finally, give her 100% dry, and that should encourage her to eat the dry only.

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My dog has parvo. I've been treating her at home. She stopped having diarrhea but she still throws up. She does pee normally. Is this a good sign?

If she's stopped having diarrhea, this is a good sign. I hope that she has some medication on board for nausea and vomiting - if not, your vet should be able to prescribe some for you to give at home. Normally, with parvo, the best sign of recovery is when they have gone 24 hours without any vomiting and are eating on their own - until then, you need to continue treatment with fluids and other supportive care.

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Hello, my dog just got into a fight with a possum. Now she has a small open wound on her leg. She is up to date with all her shots.

I would recommend cleaning the wound with antibacterial soap and warm water tonight, then having your dog examined by a vet tomorrow to be safe - even if the wound is not actively bleeding, bite wounds from other animals have a high risk of becoming infected so she may need antibiotics to help prevent this. Your vet can also advise you of any rabies quarantine laws that may apply in your state - possums rarely carry rabies and if your dog is current on her vaccines she should be well-protected, but in some states an in-home observation period may be required to make sure there are no problems.

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We are crate training our lab. She scrapes her nose on the lock the whole time she is in the crate. Her nose is very raw. How can we stop her?

We commonly see this problem with pets that are boarded and have anxiety. You can to calm her by placing an Adaptil or DAPP collar on her. You can also try a thunder shirt placed on her while she is crated. The only other way to prevent scraping of the nose while in the crate is to get stronger anti-anxiety medications through your veterinarian or to place an e-collar (cone) on her to try and prevent her from being able to reach the crate with her nose. Apply some neosporin onto her nose to help it heal.

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Should I give my 8 week old puppy a 7 way shot or 9 way

There are a whole lot of different vaccines available out there in the world. The one to which you are referring is the Distemper Combination vaccine. In my book, as long as the vaccine is offering protection for the distemper virus, parvovirus, adenovirus, and para-influenza, all the rest are bonuses. But, just make sure that whatever vaccine is being given offers protection for those. If not, I would choose something different. I would also make sure that if you are administering vaccines yourself rather than going to a vet, that you use a very reputable place to purchase them. If the shots were not be refrigerated or were in an inappropriate environment, they may be ineffective. Hope this helps!

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My dog has a lot of bumps on her head. They almost look like mosquito bites and they're getting bigger and she's getting more. It started about 10 minutes ago. I don't know what it is or what to do.

If these just arose out of nowhere I would be concerned they are hives and she is having an allergic reaction. Since they are on her face, I would consider this an emergency, so it would be recommended to take her in to the emergency clinic right away, where they can give her a shot of benadryl and a steroid shot to stop the reaction. In severe cases of allergic reactions the face can continue to swell and the swelling can extend to the airway, becoming life threatening, and we don't want that to happen!

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My dog drank cranberry grape juice out of a cup about 10 minutes ago. What should we do.

A bit of cranberry grape juice is not likely to cause harm to your dog, unless she drank a whole cup of it. Even if Cam did get a decent amount, not all dogs react to grapes and raisins the same - some don't react at all. We really don't know a whole lot about grape and raisin toxicity except that it can be very dangerous to some dogs. Symptoms to watch for are lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and any urinary symptoms, like decreased output of urine. Usually the first symptom is vomiting - if Cam does vomit, bring her to the vet immediately for treatment. I doubt that this will happen, especially since she ingested a mixed juice (which are usually mostly sugar anyway), but it certainly doesn't hurt to be on alert. Good luck, and I hope Cam stays well!

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