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My dog gave birth to one puppy few hours ago..I am unsure if there is more..but she kept on digging still..and occassional panting..she gave birth after we did some walk for about 30mins..the pup is alive and healthy..was there an instances that she might still give birth after few more hours or next day if the stuff she does means more.?

Occasionally, there can be 2-4 hours between puppies. If she is actively straining for an hour or more without producing a pup then she should be examined by your veterinarian right away. An exam and abdominal x-rays would be recommended in this situation anyway to confirm the presence or absence of additional pups inside Dhorina.

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Can Capstar or Advantus be used on a dog that already on a topical like Frontline Plus.

Either can be combined and given at any time with Frontline. They do make better, longer acting flea control pills such as Nexgard or Simparica that you give monthly or Bravecto that is given every 3 months

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My dog has a distended abdomen that is firm but not hard. She has retched a few times today. Otherwise no symptoms of GDV. Normal behavior, no signs of pain, no pacing, no drooling, normal heart rate and breathing, normal gums, normal belly sounds, normal urination and bowel movements, normal appetite and thirst, sleeping in all positions, no pain with palpation. Should I be heading to the vet? Or can I just get her some gas-x and keep an eye on it?

As long as she is acting ok you could monitor her for additional signs. If she starts retching, seems uncomfortable, starts drooling, is painful, or the distension persists then she should be examined by a vet. Your vet can take an X-ray to evaluate her abdomen and determine the exact cause of her problem.

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My dog just ate a paper staple! We called one vet and they said he will pass but it will be blood in his still and may be painful. I wanted to hear a second opinion from you guys?

Hi and thanks for using Boop by Petco! Sorry to hear that Jax ate a staple. I have to agree that I think it will pass in time but one never knows with foreign bodies in each individual patient. I would monitor Jax very closely over the next 2-4 days for nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. If these signs appear and persist I would advise seeing your vet immediately for possible x-rays. You may see no signs at all and that would be the best scenario for this case. One thing I would advise is feeding 1 teaspoon of canned pumpkin twice daily with his regular food. Not pumpkin pie filling, just canned pumpkin. It's loaded with fiber and will keep the gut happy and things moving during the next few days, hopefully helping the staple along and out of the system. Good luck with Jax. Not sure if you will check the bowel movements but that staple might be really hard to find. I hope it passes soon and with no complications.

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My dog has diabetes and has been vomiting what Can I Give a dog for vomiting that has diabetes?

Poor guy. To stop vomiting you will need a vet to prescribe Cerenia oral or give a Cerenia injection. There isn't anything over the counter unfortunately that will stop vomiting. Also I would want to know why Nicole is vomiting to begin with. Your vet likely will want to run some tests (bloodwork +/- radiographs) to determine the underlying cause of his vomiting spells so that we treat the source of the vomiting as well. Vomiting can be caused by just about any disease process in dogs, so it is very non-specific, and no treatment is contraindicated in a diabetic dog. Until you can get him in to be seen you can try feeding him a bland diet of boiled plain chicken and rice or cottage cheese to help settle his stomach a little bit. However, after your vet visit you should have a good treatment plan in order to hopefully help control his vomiting long term. Best of luck moving forward with Nickie's care and I hope he gets well soon. Take care.

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My dog started vomiting and having diarrhea today. Now he acts like he has to poop but nothing comes out. His stool was mucus and jelly like.

He might have eaten something spoiled that is causing this. withhold food for 12 hours then offer Ziggy boiled boneless chicken and rice every 6 hours in small portions. if he is eating and not vomiting, continue with this diet for 2 days. After 2 days, you can put him back gradually on his normal food. If he continues vomiting or is not eating, take him to the vet to get treatment.

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I believe my dog has an insect bite on her paw. Is there some way I can treat this?

Hi and thanks for using Boop by Petco! Sorry to see that Savie is having a problem. This looks like a pustule or pus filled pimple. It could also be a cyst or other swelling. This could certainly be from an insect sting, spider bite, puncture wound, skin infection, etc. I would advise warm compressing the area 2-3 times daily with a warm cloth to see if you can get the area to come to a head and drain. You could also try placing some warm water and Epsom Salts in a basin and make her stand in the water for 5-10 minutes a few times daily. You may need to get her an E collar to prevent her from licking it and prevent the healing. If this lesion gets worse, spreads, or other signs develop, please have your vet take a look at her. They can get a detailed history and perform a physical exam. Diagnostics probably won't be needed unless the situation changes. Your vet can advise you on a sound treatment approach if needed. Good luck with Savie and I hope this resolves without complication

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I believe my dog ate oak apple galls and pooped them out. I know oak leaves and acorns are poisonous to dogs, are the galls as well? After he pooped them out he then pooped just liquid mucous.

The galls can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested in large quantities. The excess mucous is likely due to inflammation/irritation in the colon caused by the galls. Withhold food for 24 hours. Allow small amounts of water or unflavored PediaLyte. Resume feeding a bland diet in small, frequent amounts until the stool is normal then transition slowly to the regular diet. If symptoms persist, see your veterinarian.

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I am flying with my 30 pound dog in the cabin this Thursday and am wondering if it is safe to give her Klonopin to help with the extreme anxiety that she experiences in the air. The prescription is from a while ago and she hasn't tired it yet, but more conservative approaches like Benadryl did not work for her. We are out of time to go into the vet and I just want to make sure that the Klonopin (in correct dosages for her weight) is an okay route to take. Thank you!

Hi there and thank you for using Boop by Petco to address your concern. Klonopin (Clonazepam) is a drug that we commonly use for anxiety in animals. Based on the veterinary drug book, the recommended dose for Clonazepam in dogs is 0.1 - 1 mg/kg by mouth every 12-24 hours. So for example, 30lb would equal 13.6kg. So the dose this body weight should receive would be 1.4mg every 12-24 hours as the lowest dose and 13.6mg every 12-24 hours as the highest dose. I always recommend testing out a new medication prior to using it for its intended purpose to see if it works. If this is expired, I would refrain against using this. As always, I would contact your veterinarian, whom you usually see for Olive and discuss using this medication with the vet on the phone as I do not know the full medical history on Olive. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

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