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61166 Questions

Can a dog live with elevated ALT or does it mean certain death? My dog is on Denamarin and Ursidol but I am worried. She had bloodwork one week ago and her ALT was back to 200 and something, but other liver enzymes were elevated and the vet thinks because she is on Prednisone. Does Denamarin help all liver enzymes or just ALT? Is my dog going to die?

Elevated ALT does not mean certain death for your dog, many blood test come back with elevated ALT and it is eventually treatable in most cases. Denamarin can help liver function in general but not always. if Prednisone is suspected to be the cause it may need to be stopped gradually.

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Hi, I accidentally dropped a 10mg prednisone pill prescribed for me and my dog quickly ate it before I realized I had dropped it. She is a 48lb black Labrador/ Border Collie mix, otherwise healthy, and is not on any medication herself. She is acting normal currently. Should I take her to an animal hospital?

A 10mg tablet for a 48lb (0.48mg/lb) dog would not be expected to create any complications (dosages as high as 4mg/lb are used in emergency and severe cases). She may have an increased thirst but otherwise is unlikely to have any ill effects. Continue to monitor just in case, any vomiting/diarrhea/bloody stool should be reported to your vet

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My dog has scabbing around both eyes, and they are a little swollen. What could be causing this

Ouch, poor Lexie! These scabbed lesions around her eyelids could be due to allergies, skin infections, or infected Meibomian glands (glands that produce part of the tear film in the eyelids). Lexie will need to be examined by her vet. Until you can take her to the vet, assure that she is wearing an e-collar (cone) to prevent her from scratching or rubbing her face at all. If you do not have an e-collar, this link has tips for making one at home: I hope that she is feeling better soon!

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My dog has brown bumps on his belly and the tip of his penis is turning black. He bites his penis but has no problem urinating. He had fleas when I got him 2 weeks ago but I have treated them with a flea shampoo. He doesn't like getting in my grass to potty.

I am so sorry that Rowdy is having this problem. The discoloration on the tip of Rowdy's penis appears to be a normal color change. Puppies generally have very pink bellies which become darker as they mature. So, I would not worry about that. From the pictures, it looks like the areas on Rowdy's belly are crusts that could be a sign of a bacterial skin infection which is also called pyoderma. Here is an article on pyoderma. It is very common in puppies and in response to fleas. There are a number of treatment options for pyoderma. Sometimes we can resolve them with topical treatment (antibacterial shampoos, sprays or wipes), but sometimes they require oral or injectable antibiotics. However, we still needs to look for the cause of the pyoderma. Since we know that Rowdy had fleas that may be the reason for the pyoderma. You may also be dealing with a flea allergy even if you have treated for fleas. Once a flea bites a flea allergy dog, that dog can stay itchy for a week. Here is additional information on fleas causing itching in dogs. I would recommend having your veterinarian evaluate Rowdy to discuss your treatment options for Rowdy's belly. I would also get Rowdy on a regular flea prevention regimen since flea shampoo only works for a couple of days and only works on adult fleas. Please let me know if that was helpful. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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How long does it take for Heartgard PLUS to kill roundwords and hookworms in dogs?

Hello, you should expect a die off period of 3-5 days after administration of the medication. Because it is administered orally, most roundworms and hookworms begin to die almost immediately, but it may take up to 3-5 days to have complete clearance of worms. You may recheck a stool sample in 10 days to ensure there are not more parasites noted. Hope this helps and best of luck.

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I've read that the side effects of the Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick collar are itching and skin irritations. My dog has experienced severe itching for the last 7 months, while wearing the Seresto collar. She chews, bites, and scratches herself which results in skin irritation (cuts, rash, and hotspots). Do you think the irritation may be because of the collar?

This is not likely to be due to the collar. If the collar were to cause irritation, it would only be around where the collar is placed and would not cause severe itching. Severe itching is often due to one of the following things: 1) Allergies - this can happen suddenly and is usually due to an environmental (i.e pollen) cause. 2) External parasites - fleas, lice and mites can all cause intense itching. It's good to check him for fleas and get other treatment if needed. 3) Over-bathing, or using the wrong product for bathing - Bathing too often can cause the skin to get dry and irritated. Dogs should normally be bathed no more than once a month with a shampoo that is labeled for dogs. If you bathe more than that, or use a shampoo or soap that is meant for people, then you could be damaging the normal protective barrier of the skin. Seven months is a long time for a dog to be itching this much and it must be miserable for her. In order to find the cause of this and give her some relief, I highly recommend you schedule an exam by a veterinarian. We can usually discover the cause quickly and provide the most effective treatment. I hope that helps and she gets better soon.

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My 1 year old pit bull seams to have developed a rash on her belly and inner thigh.

Thank you for using Boop by Petco! Maze's rash looks very severe, I recommend having her seen by a vet as soon as possible. I notice that her belly is freshly shaved, if she was recently spayed, this may be due to an allergic reaction to the disinfectant used to prepare the skin before surgery, or even a chemical burn, and is likely painful. Your vet will be able to provide medication to keep Maze comfortable and get the swelling down.

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My four month old puppy was pretty much potty trained when suddenly she started peeing every where again.

Get her checked by your vet for a urinary tract infection as a cause for the problem. If this is clear, you may have to start over with housebreaking. You can reasonably expect a puppy to hold its bladder and bowels for as many hours as they are months old. Keep your puppy on a consistent daily feeding schedule and remove food between meals. Keep the puppy on a consistent schedule. Puppies should be taken out every hour, as well as shortly after meals, play and naps. All puppies should go out first thing in the morning, last thing at night and before being confined or left alone. Know where your puppy is inside at all times. Watch for early signs that he needs to eliminate so you can prevent accidents. These signs include pacing, whining, circling, sniffing or leaving the room. If you see any of these, take your puppy outside as quickly as possible. If you can’t watch your puppy, he must be confined to a crate or a small room, door closed or with a baby gate. Gradually give more freedom, starting with a small area, and gradually increase it. If he eliminates outside, give him some free time in the house (about 15 to 20 minutes to start), and then put him back in his crate or small room. If all goes well, gradually increase the amount of time he can spend out of confinement. Accompany your puppy outside and reward him whenever he eliminates outdoors with praise, treats, or play. Take your puppy to the same place each time because the smells often prompt puppies to eliminate. If you catch your puppy in the act of eliminating inside, clap sharply twice, just enough to startle but not scare him. Immediately run with him outside, encouraging him to come with you the whole way. Allow your pup to finish eliminating outside, and then reward him with happy praise and a treat. If he has nothing to eliminate when he gets outside, don’t worry. Just be more watchful of him inside.

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My dogs scrotum Is swollen and he's in pain..squeals if I even brush across them. Eating and urinating regularly. Is standing as laying down seems to

I see that your dog is unneutered - one condition that can come on suddenly and be extremely painful is called testicular torsion. Basically, one of the testicles becomes twisted inside the scrotal sac, cutting off the blood supply and causing swelling and intense pain. Based on your description, I would be concerned about this possibility and would recommend getting your dog to a vet as soon as possible, since he is in a lot of distress and there is really nothing that can be done at home to help. Other possibilities would include a scrotal or testicular infection, a tumor, or even a scrotal hernia.

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