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1024 Questions

I got 3 glofish yesterday I set up their aquarium and did everything I needed to do they where all fine I wake up today and the sunburst orange one is dead why?

I am sorry your goldfish passes away. IT is most likely nothing you did wrong. I would be concerned that the fish was sick before you every purchased it. Sometimes from local pet stores the fish are sick and the stress of transport can cause them to pass. I would contact the pet store and ask them if they have had any other fish pass away. I am so sorry for your loss

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The fish of any breed getting fungal infection in the water tank the fishes get slower and week

Fungal infections are usually due to poor water quality. Check the water chemistry, change or rinse filter media, perform a partial water change (use aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent shock) and treat with an antifungal until the condition clears. You can find an antifungal in the aquarium section of most pet stores. Follow label directions carefully.

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My cat hasn't eaten in days. She has a very bad cold. The vet gave liquid medicines. Two other cats have the same illness. We gave them the medicines with fish and they ate it up. But its been nearly 5 days and this cat wont eat. She only drinks water and we put a little glucose in it. But if we put medicine in it she doesn't eat it. We've tried every food we can think of! She looks like she wants to eat. She goes near it all excited, sniffs it and leaves. She doesn't let herself be force-fed.

They sometimes do this when they are very sick with a bad upper respiratory infection (cold), because they can't breathe properly when they eat. It usually means that they are very congested and/or not getting enough treatment. My biggest concern about her not eating for several days is that she may not be drinking enough and could be getting dehydrated. If you have noticed her drinking, then this is promising, but she still may need more fluids. The best thing you can do is take her back to the vet to get assessed for dehydration and see if they can prescribe more mediation to get her eating again. In the meantime, I recommend you try a steam bath to help relieve the congestion. Below, is a link that explains how to do this: I hope this helps and Poodi feels better soon.

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Hello I'm taking care of my neighbor's cat cause she's on drugs. The cats in and outdoor cat. He's been vomitting and I don't know what to do. He tries to eat and throws up again. Yellow he tried some of my fish but he keeps vomitting. What to do cause he eats fast

I strongly recommend having Short Tale evaluated by a veterinarian. There can be any number of things that can cause persistent vomitting but it may be life threatening. If you are unable to take the cat to a vet and he owner can't or won't, I suggest checking with local animal control or humane societies to see if there are options to help this kitty. Good luck and thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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Our dog has been diagnosed with cancer, one lump is very visible to the side of her tail and they have detected another internally. She started eating again with the offer of oily fish but now as much as she tries she can't poo, we don't want to lose her is there anything we can do

It could be that she is just constipated from the change in food or the lump could be blocking her colon making it difficult to pass stool. Have her rechecked by your vet to determine the cause of her problem. Your vet may be able to prescribe some medications to help her pass stool. She might also need some pain medications to help keep her comfortable. If the lumps can not be surgically removed then they will continue to grow and may cause additional problems. You could also take her to a veterinary oncologist to see if they have any recommendations for treatment. So Sorry that she has cancer.

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My fish lived outside during the summer eating alge out of our pond. Now it's inside for the winter but it has developed a white growth on its forehead

Check water chemistry and filtration. Sunny may have developed a bacterial or fungal infection due to the switch in environment. Clean water is crucial to resolving infection. Perform regular partial water changes. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. Maintain water temperature between 75 F and 72 F. Minor infection maybe resolved using plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt). Salt is a great general tonic. It reduces stress, improves gill function and aids in recovery. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water in a cup of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. Treat until symptoms resolve. When performing water changes, use just enough salt to treat the water being replaced, not the entire tank volume. If necessary, you can use a broad spectrum medication if symptoms persist. Look in the aquarium section of the local pet or fish store for products such as Kanaplex, Maracyn or Lifeguard by Tetra. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert if indicated.

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I have a pop-eyed goldfish and he constantly floats to the top. I think he may have swim bladder disease. He lives with another goldfish who is also a pop-eyed, but the other fish does not have this problem. I have had this type of fish in the past and it progressed so much to where he was always upside down. I just want to know how can I fix this and prevent it and does this have something to do with the breed

Swim bladder disease can be caused by poor water quality, infection or constipation. Check the water quality and chemistry. Rinse the filter media with tank water (not tap water) to preserve beneficial bacteria. Perform water changes using aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Goldfish do best between 65 F and 72 F. Fast the affected fish for 3 days (you may need to separate him/her). Resume feeding bits of cooked, shelled green peas until defecation and appearance is normal. A bit of aquarium salt (NOT table salt) can be used as a general tonic to reduce stress, improve gill function and aid in recovery. It can also treat minor infection. Dissolve 1 teaspoon per gallon of water and treat for 7-10 days.

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Bella is almost 10, and recently diagnosed with left luxating patella. Leg frequently pops in and out however there is never limping or any clinical signs other than popping out of place, not given a grade as far as severity by vet. I do not want to do surgery on her due to age or pain meds if not needed. Are there effective alternate treatments such as supplements, acupuncture, chiropractic care, etc? She eats natural balance fish and sweet potato. Is this good for LP?

Patellar Luxation is very common in toy breed dogs, and usually does not require treatment. If she is not limping or having clinical signs, surgery is generally not needed. If your vet recommended surgery, I would follow up with them to determine why and perhaps talk to a orthopedic specialist to confirm. If you found out about surgery on your own, then no need to investigate further. Since the patella is moving over the bone in an abnormal way, it can wear down the cartilage around the knee. Fish oil and glucosamine can help support joint function. Your veterinarian can give you confirm that these are appropriate for Bella and give you doses. Acupuncture and chiropractic care may be helpful if Bella is uncomfortable, but don't have a lot of science backing that up. There are no special diets (unless you wanted to put her on a prescription joint diet - ask your vet about this too if interested, it's basically a replacement for the fish oils and glucosamine). Finally, unless Bella is hit by a car or had a major trauma recently, she was probably born with this issue and it just wasn't noted on a physical exam until now. So you shouldn't start seeing issues all of a sudden as a result of patella luxation. Best of luck to you and Bella!

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Good day My dog is a 9 year old Jack Russel and has had pancreatitis and diabetes for about 4 years now. She has been stable for about 3 years now but suddenly stopped eating this morning and kept looking for places to hide in the garden and wanted to be left alone. We suspect her pancreas is inflamed. Gave her 1 Omeprazole 10mg. Her diet- High Protein Low carb diet for 4 years now 80% chicken or 80% fish and 20% Broccoli & Spinach. In her water we mix protexin soluble. Any suggestions ?

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! Poor Roxy! It is possible she is having a flare up of pancreatitis, but she is 9 years old so we need to be mindful of other things as well. She could be painful in her neck or back or have a different metabolic condition (liver, kidney problem or diabetes). I think starting the omerprazole as prescribed by your Vet is fine. For my patients with pancreatitis I do a low fat diet for life. If she is not eating and still acting abnormal when your Vet opens I would have her seen. Pancreatitis makes them nauseous and is painful. I treat with pain medications, antibiotics and antinausea medications. The omeprazole is just an antacid and will not help much for the nausea and pain. I hope this helps and I wish Roxy a speedy recovery!

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