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1024 Questions

Is the discharge my pet has on his penis normal? He constantly licks and leaves his breath smelling very foul, fish like. Also he has dark spot markings near his nipples...they just that flea related or a rash?

If his breath smells like fish I would recommend having his anal glands checked. I would also recommend having your veterinarian shave the hair off of his prepuce and check a urine sample. That way we can determine if this discharge is anything to be concerned about. Thank you for using Boop by Petco.

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I’ve had a couple African dwarf frogs die and was recommended to treat with aquarium salt for the remaining frogs. I have 2 mystery snails in the tank and was wondering if aquarium salt is safe for them. I also have a betta and guppies in the tank.

The salt would probably irritate the snails. If you still have frogs in the tank, consider a salt bath instead. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 5 gallons of water then remove the frog(s) from the main tank and allow for a swim of no more than 60 seconds in the salt bath. Rinse then return them to the other tank or hospital tank.

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Fish has white fluffy stuff on gills and eyes as well as what looks like fin rot. We’ve lost almost all the fish in our aquarium… we thought ick initially and have dosed Melafix but it doesn’t seem to be working. They won’t eat, they’re either laying on the ground or floating at the top of the tank gasping ): we have a large tank with several peaceful species and now we’re down to just a handful of fish left. We are devastated.

Hi and thanks for your request. this ''fluffy'' material on the skin fish is likely a oomycetes (a fungus basically) called Saprolegnia. This is a secondary proliferation due to a primary infection which could be due to a variety of causes unfortunately. From the pic white spot disease (ich) dies not seem to be present. Given the high mortality incidence it is absolutely necessary to check water parameters and make sure they are normal and take the moribund fish (and the dead ones) to your local veterinarian for (euthanasia if needed and) necroscopic examination. Your local veterinarian will be able to tell what is going on or possibly prescribe some treatment (likely antibiotics or disinfectants).

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Hi! My female betta fish has been recently losing bits of her tail. I know the problem is not fin rot because the ends are not black. My betta had this happen to her once before, and once I did a water change it stoped. Why is this happening? What can I do to stop it? She is still very active and eats when I feed her. Is she just becoming an older fish? I've had her for about a year and a half.

This is likely fin rot. The tips are not always blackened with rot, they can simply appear ragged. The condition typically resolves by maintaining pristine water quality as you have seen previously. Perform regular partial water changes. Use only conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Bettas are tropical fish and do best between 78 F and 80 F. If possible, turn down filter flow to the lowest setting. Bettas prefer slow moving water.

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My Fish Stay at the Bottom of a Clean Tank, Are They Ok?

Cleaning the filter and changing the water may have upset the nitrogen cycle in your tank. This is due to removal of beneficial bacteria which convert ammonia (from waste, food, urine, etc.) to nitrites. Water and filter changes can be stressful as well. If you have the means, test your tank water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH levels. Adjust accordingly using conditioned water or additives that will bind harmful compounds. You can also submit a water sample for testing. Moat pet stores or professional aquarists will do this for free or for a nominal fee.

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My goldfish is staying at the bottom of the tank and is bent at an angle. Sometimes he frantically swims for 1 sec. He also doesn't/can't eat. What do I do?

Goldfish sit at the bottom of a tank when they are not well, often because toxins have built up in the water. Goldfish are usually active, and lethargy is a sign of illness. Maintaining good water quality is essential for proper aquarium care. In the enclosed, finite space of a fish tank, toxic elements, such as ammonia and nitrates, can build up in the water causing disease and killing fish. The only way to detect and control toxins is to perform regular chemical tests on the water and to perform gradual water changes to remove impurities and maintain the proper water parameters.

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I decided to start cooking my cat's food because I don't like tinned. I used frozen fish and cooked meats like pork, rabbit, chicken etc we are also starting to give them organs too. They also drink cat milk, eat cat grass and eat high quality cat biscuits. Can you tell if this is a good healthy diet? Should I cook my meat all the way through?? Thank you

The problem with giving cats homemade diets is that it is extremely difficult to get the correct balance of nutrients needed for them to be healthy. Cats have very specific dietary needs and because they can convert amino acids into essential ones they need, these essential amino acids have to be supplied in the diet. If it's not, there will be severe detrimental effects on their health. I will give you links to two websites that have recipes for homemade diets for cats, and I recommend using recipes from there to make sure Moggie and Dobby are getting the balanced and nutritious diets they need. And I would recommend cooking the meat all the way through. I hope this helps :-)

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i found my fish dead in the aquarium with blood on its body, a swollen eye and something like rounded open wound. what have might caused that and how to prevent it from happening to the other fishes

Infection, old age, poor water quality or poor nutrition are all possible causes. The "wound" may have been post mortem, caused by being eaten by tankmates. Monitor tankmates for signs of illness or infection (red spots, fuzzy spots, swelling, lack of appetite/activity, etc.). Submit a water sample for quality testing or use a home kit to test for chemical imbalances. You may need to perform water changes, treat with chemicals or treat with antibiotics or antifungals depending on symptoms. You can request a consultation to discuss the situation in more detail.

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Are the following supplements ok to give my cavalier King Charles spaniel? (17 lbs) Pumpkin - for anal gland expression Probiotics- for firmer stools and gut health Joint supplement- for healthy joints Fish oil- for healthy coat and skin Also, I don't think my dog drinks enough water. She might only drink 1 cup a day but I can't be sure. Is this enough? How do I get her to drink more water? (She has kibble as her diet, so she's not getting any from her diet)

Yes, all of these things are generally safe for dogs and can be helpful for the specific issues that you mentioned. As long as she has fresh water available to her at all times, she will drink when she's thirsty - you shouldn't need to worry about making her drink more, as she will regulate this herself. There are no particular health benefits to dogs for drinking more water than they want to each day, so as long as she's healthy and acting normal otherwise, this shouldn't be a concern :)

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