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1488 Questions

I was just wandering what this whiteish bulge stiking out of my leopard geckos butt is,and if it is a big problem.

That could be a sperm plug (or seminal exudate). It is normal in Male geckos. Typically, they pop out on their own but sometimes can be retained. Try soaking him in a warm bath for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, gently rock it back and forth to remove it. Don't force or pull it. A more serious issue may be a prolapsed hemipene which should be considered a veterinary emergency. In this case, have him examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

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My bearded dragon is shaking quite a bit in its legs and I’m not sure whats wrong with him/her.

Thanks for reaching out about Ryuu and including photos. Shaking limbs is often and indication of metabolic bone disease, which is a calcium deficiency. A veterinary visit can evaluation diet and husbandry, as well as Ryuu. Crickets and mealworms are a poor diet, even if dusted with calcium. Good luck.

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Hey! So my turtle (red eared slider) have white stuff around his neck. Is it skin shedding or fungus? I tried to wash him but he won't let me do it. What can i do to remove the white stuff on his neck? He had the white stuff since yesterday.

Thanks for reaching out about Jimmy and including a photo, although the photo does not depict white lesions. White lesions could be shed skin but that usually falls off. White lesions can also be infected tissue from bacterial or fungal infecitons. A veterinary visit can help with an assessment and diagnostic/treatment plan. Check and correct water quality as pristine conditions are required for healing and prevention of further problems. Review diet as vitamin A deficiencies can play a part in secondary infections. Good luck.

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Are essential oils safe for tokay geckos? (He is in a different room than where I plan to have my diffuser.) Thank you. (I also have a dog but have researched what is safe for her and what isn't and how to diffuse in carrier oils and such.)

As long as you use high quality oils and they are heavily diluted, he *should* be fine. That said, there are some EOs that are toxic to reptiles and should not be used. Most "tree oils", such as eucalyptus, are highly toxic and never recommended.

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My 5 month old blue iguana looks bloated but doesn't seem to be in distress or in pain but I'm worried, I woke up and he was just like that and it's been two days and his belly still looks the same, is there anyway you can let me know what's wrong with him?

Thanks for reaching out regarding Redd and including pictures. It does appear as his abdomen is distended. Are there possibilities he ingested something that could be obstructing his intestinal tract? Providing a shallow warm water soak for 5-10 minutes might stimulate defecation. Intestinal parasites or bacterial infections might also cause distention. If Redd continues to eat, you have some time to monitor things, but if he stops eating, becomes painful, or the distention increases, seek a reptile veterinarian sooner than later. Good luck.

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Hi my baby turtle has a black spot on its shell.

You can use a soft bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the area. Maintain clean water and provide a health, balanced diet along with adequate UVB lighting and vitamin supplementation. all these will promote shell and overall health. Monitor for spread, bleeding, lethargy, loss of appetite, softness or pitting. These are symptoms that should be addressed by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles. If you can provide the species of turtle and an image or two in a new post, we may be able to provide more specific advice.

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My bearded dragon named valcore has a clear or yellow mucus covered poop. I don't know what to do or how to fix this. Please help

Thanks for reaching out about Valcore and including a photo. Mucous covered feces is often a result of intestinal inflammation, possibly due to intestinal infections, inflammation or parasites. A veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan. good luck

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My RED EAR SLider turtle just did vomit today n since then he is very slow what should I do

Thanks for reaching out about Ninja and including photos. Regurgitation can be due to multiple causes: over-eating, metabolic (renal, liver), gastrointestinal obstruction or foreign body, infection, just to list a few. That he is slow, is a possible indication of illness and he should probably see a veterinarian. Made sure isn't too weak as can not get to surface to breath. Good luck.

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I have Indian Flapshell Turtle she doesn't eat anything last 3-4 days.

Check the water temp, ambient temp and basking temp. Low temps can affect appetite in turtles. Maintain pristine water quality and make sure any food offered is small enough for her to eat. Feed her in the water and remove any uneaten food to prevent fouling the water.

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