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I'm not sure if my bearded dragon has tail rot or if it is just normal pre shedding skin color

Thanks for your question about Yoda. From the photos that you included, the tail appears to be of a normal size. Often with tail rot, the affected part of the tail will shrink somewhat. I would recommend to feel the tail along its length to see if it all feels the same - it should feel like the skin is a bit elastic and the muscle should be a bit squishy. If the skin is hard and the muscle feels dry, then this would be concerning for tail rot and not just a normal shed coloration. I hope that helps to answer your question, and thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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my leopard gecko has a cut on his nose right after shedding. what should I do?

You can use a diluted Betadine or chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) solution to clean the spot once or twice a day. Keep the area free from debris (substrate, food, droppings, etc.). It should heal on its own within a week or so. Monitor for lethargy, loss of appetite, redness or discharge. If it doesn't show signs of healing within a few days, consider an exam with your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles.

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My turtles shell is turning black, and I'm not sure if it is shell rot. I don't know what to do.

Shell rot is characterized by pitting, soft spots, foul odor or discharge or loss of scutes. It can be a serious condition and requires veterinary attention. Your turtle may have rot or the discoloration may be due to excess mold or algae. Clean the tank, do a water change and change the filter media. Confirm proper environmental conditions for your particular species of turtle. Try using a toothbrush and gently scrubbing the affected area of the shell. Make sure your turtle has a warm, dry basking area with proper UVB lighting. If your UVB bulb is older than 6 months, replace it. Do not place glass or plastic covers between the turtle and the UVB bulb. Feed an appropriate diet and dust food with a calcium supplement once a week.

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Why my red eared slider turtle don't want to eat?

One of the most common reasons is that the temperature, either water or ambient, is too low. Reptiles need warmth to eat and digest food properly. Check and adjust temps if necessary. Confirm good water quality as well since turtles eat in the water and dirty water may affect the appetite. Offer a variety of foods including commercial turtle sticks or pellets, fresh vegetables diced small and crickets or small feeder fish. If your turtle is lethargic, has difficulty breathing, is swimming crooked or has discharge from the eyes/nose/mouth then see your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating turtles. Follow the link for more information:

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Does my bearded dragon have sunken eyes?

Gibbler's eye appears normal. If you are concerned about dehydration, pinch up a bit of loose skin. If it stays tented up, she is likely dehydrated. If it snaps back, she is not. You can soak her several times weekly in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte for 20 minutes to provide hydration. Provide a shallow bowl of fresh water in her enclosure and change it daily.

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My tortoise is breathing ok but does show signs of wheezing a bit. He has been like this off and on for a month or so. I am on a fixed income so i am trying to make sure she is ok. Most likely a respiratory infection. Can i give her zpac in small amounts to get her better for a week?

Hi there. Yes, it does sound like Scooter has an upper respiratory infection but there is no way to be sure without an exam. You can use Azithromycin orally but you need to get the dosing correct. The dose is 10 mg/kg every 48 hours. If you want help with dosing then please post again with the tortoise's weight and the milligram strength of the Azithromycin you have. Of course, this is not recommended. We really don't condone treating empirically with antibiotics without knowing what you are treating. It would be best to get her to a vet for an exam to be 100% sure of the diagnosis and to get the properly dosed medications. I would also recommend nebulizing her by putting her in the bathroom and closing the door with a hot shower running. The steam may help clear her lungs. Finally, review all your husbandry and be sure it's correct. Usually respiratory infections happen due to incorrect husbandry (diet, heating, light, etc). I hope this helps. Best wishes.

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My older Amazon parrot keeps falling off his perch and experiences some kind of seizure or foot drop for about 10 min. Just started about a month ago. Has happened twice in the last 2 days. He is at least in his 40's or older. He has graying feathers, and what appears to be a cataract or previous eye injury. I rescued him about 5 years ago. Our vet only works M-Th 8-4 and does not treat birds or reptiles.

I would be concerned that something serious is going on with your bird. Weakness and seizure activity can be a sign of progressive liver disease. Ideally you should find an avian veterinarian in your area that can help diagnose what is going on with Tequila. The vet will most likely recommend lab work and possibly X-rays. I’m sorry we can’t be of more help. Thanks for using Boop by Petco. Best of luck.

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hi there I have a 13 year old corn snake that's on the heavy side I rescued him around 3 months ago but since his been back home his developed a lump under his chin as his getting on I wasn't shore if it was just his skin sagging or if I should take him for treatment the photo isn't the corn snake in question but what it looks like thank you kind regards

This is an issue that people notice every so often in their snakes, but there is not a definitive answer as to what it is. In some cases it will simply be sagging post feeding or it can be associated with a shed. However, in some cases in can be an indication of disease such as a mouth infection or respiratory problem. If he appears off form to you with any behaviour change or signs such as mouth gaping or discharge, I would take him to a reptile vet for an examination. Otherwise I would monitor him and see how it goes.

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How do I know if my lizard hit a concussion after the fall? Should I let her sleep?

You may see swelling or bruising on or around the head, uneven pupil size, lethargy, difficulty eating or ataxia (wobbly gait). Ideally, Lizzie should be physically examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp vet to make sure she is not injured.

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