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1488 Questions

My daughter is getting a crested gecko, but she can't sleep without a dim nightlight on. Is it OK to have a dim nightlight on with a crested gecko in the same room? Also, is it OK to defuse lemon, orange, and oils like that, in the same room as a crested gecko? (The defuser does make the room have a quite strong smell of the oils I put in the defuser.)

Hi there. I have a created gecko in my sons room. We love him! I would encourage you to get a red night lamp for his cage. It helps keep the cage warm, adds some light to the room, but is a spectrum that does not interfere with his circadian rhythm. As far as the oils go, there is a lot we don’t know about exotic animals. I would not be too concerned, but I would recommend watching closely for any signs of respiratory symptoms such as breathing hard, not eating etc. Best of luck and have fun with your gecko! They are a great little pet! Thank you for using Pet Coach.

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My leopard gecko has some gunk on the inner corner of his eyeball. I don’t know what I should to clean his eye

Use sterile saline to gently flush the area. If that doesn't work, place him in a warm, moist hide for 20-30 minutes then use a cotton swab moistened with sterile saline to gently wipe the area. If it still doesn't clear the "gunk" , have him examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp vet.

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Can i keep my turtle in a 24 gallon tank? Is it too small? My turtle have just 6 months

Hello. Thank you for using Boop by Petco. Great question! Yes, a 24 gallon tank is too small. Map Turtles like to swim a lot so therefore, they need a lot of space. A full grown Map Turtle will need at least a 75 gallon tank. Be sure to include a dry basking area. It is recommended that you have a sloped ramp leading up the basking area to allow for easy access. Hope this answers your question. Best wishes.

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My turtle has a bump on the left side of the neck. Was not there a few days ago. He is about 1 1/2 old. I believe it yo be a red ear turtle

This looks like an ear infection (aural abscess). That lump needs to be opened, drained and flushed. You need a vet to do this I think this article will give you the most information. Please get Leonardo to a reptile vet for an exam. I found this exotic vet in your area based on the zip code you provided. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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My turtle has white spots on her shell but they are not soft?

Shell rot can be present on a hard shell. It may be early infection or something else entirely. Scrub the spots with a diluted Betadine or chlorhexidine solution and a soft bristled toothbrush. Do this daily followed by 1-2 hours in dry dock (away from water). Confirm proper UVB lighting and adequate water quality. Lack of either can predispose your turtle to infection.

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Why does my leopard geckos poop have yellowish mucus on it?

Mucus in the stool can indicate inflammation. This can be caused by infection, parasites or dehydration. Confirm proper temperature since low temps can affect digestion. Soak Ruby in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte. Massage her abdomen during the soak in case she is a bit constipated. Submit a stool sample to your veterinarian to diagnose intestinal parasites. If the mucus persists or worsens of if she becomes lethargic or stops eating, have her examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp veterinarian.

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My bearded dragon has a red ring around the pupil of her eyes. She is acting normal and eating just fine. Should I be worried about her?

Monitor for swelling, discharge or squinting/keeping it closed. These could be symptoms of infection or injury. If you can include a clear picture in her profile or posted with another question, we may be able to better ascertain if an exam with your veterinarian is indicated.

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My bearded dragon has a lump on the base of his tail but not showing any signs of MDB.

If he is getting adequate UVB lighting, a balanced diet and proper vitamin/mineral supplementation, then it may not be MBD. It could be trauma or infection. Either way, he should be physically examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp veterinarian to make the diagnosis. He may need treatment regardless of the underlying cause. Antibiotics may help infection, vitamin and mineral supplementation may help reverse MBD.

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Hello, I have a western fence lizzard and i think i fed him too much. My live crickets got loose in my house and i hurriedly grabbed them and put them with my lizard they were 1/2 or smaller. I think there must have been around 10. My lizard is a new adult and he keeps holding his mouth open which is strange and he is pretty fat. Fatter than usual.. There is also an unusual dark area around his blue stripes. What should I do? Is he going to die? Is he sick? Thanks so much in advance!

I think Ron Junior should be fine. Hopefully he is just full. If you are truly worried the only option I can give you is to take him to a reptile vet for an exam. One reason for open mouth breathing in reptiles is respiratory infection. It just may be coincidental that he started this breathing after eating so many crickets. The most common reason for illness in captive reptiles in improper husbandry. I suggest you make sure you have his housing, lighting, temperature, etc correct. Here is a husbandry article: Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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