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1488 Questions

If I have two male leopard gecko siblings that are being raised together and they turn out to be both male. Because they were raised together is it possible to keep them in the same enclosure? Or even if they are siblings will they still fight. Another thing is, Is it possible to keep a male and a female leopard gecko sibling together or will they mate?

Unfortunately, it is common for intact males of the same species to fight, so you may experience that as they get older. They can be very territorial, and it doesn't matter if they are siblings or not. As you mentioned, male and female geckos can (and often will) mate, no matter if they are siblings or not. If you have two females, this would be the most ideal housing situation for multiple animals. Females will often tolerate one another in the same area, however there are exceptions to the rule, and they can fight as well.

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What is the best way to treat reptiles mites?

You must treat both the environment and the pet. You can try some over the counter products but many can be ineffective if the environment is not treated concurrently. Ivermectin can be dispensed by your veterinarian to use systemically or topically. Do not treat with ivermectin without the advice of your veterinarian as it is quite easy to overdose. A 30 minute soak in a diluted Betadine bath can remove most mites and may soothe irritated skin. Remove the substrate, bag it and take it outdoors. Clean and sanitize the cage, bowls and tank furniture. You can use hot, soapy water followed by a 1:30 dilution of bleach and water followed by a thorough rinsing on the tank, bowls and non porous surfaces. Discard anything that cannot be sanitized. You may need to clean and sanitize the enclosure weekly for several weeks. The pet may need multiple treatments as well.

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How often should i feed my turtle?

A juvenile should be fed daily. An adult (1 yrs old and up) can be fed every other day. Feed an amount of food that would fit inside the head if it were empty. Remove any uneaten food promptly to prevent fouling the water.

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I have a 7 year old female iguana and i am familiar with the pet and I try keeping her healthy. But I always was worried about her not laying eggs. For 7 years she hasn't layed one egg. She has all the sings of being a female, has proper lights (Uvb and heating bulb) and eats well every day. Due to the lack of vets knowing about lizards in my country, I cannot find one. So I really hope you can help me with any advice. Is there a possibility that a female iguana doesn't lay eggs? Thank you a lot

Most females will usually lay a clutch of eggs every year when the reach sexual maturity. Not all, however, will do this. Some females will produce eggs, go through the motion of searching for a lay spot then resorb the eggs and not lay any. If she is behaving normally, there is likely no cause for concern. When breeding season approaches, monitor her for egg formation and pro7a lay box. She may eventually lay or not.

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My red eared slider turtle has began to develop white chalky spots on his shell. Can you please help?

Thanks for reaching out about Squirt and including a photo. The two most common causes of this are mineral accumulations with hard water and exposed bone. Mineral accumulations you should be able to scratch off with a fingernail. Water source might need to be changed to filtered water or commercially available spring water. Exposed bone is usually due to poor water quality (high bacterial or algal loads) that erode the keratin layer. Water changes need to be made more often, but a veterinary visit is recommended as systemic antibiotics might be required. Good luck.

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My red eared slider is like 1 year and few months old. Her weight is 38 g. Firstly Is this an ideal weight for a turtle of this age? Secondly, how many grams of commercial pellets should I provide her? I want these two questions to be answered briefly. Give me the numerical values. Thank you

Hello, It is impossible to assign a perfect numerical value to both weights and diets, as every animal, just like humans, will be different. We use a system called body condition scoring in veterinary medicine, which involves palpating the skeletal muscles and fat deposits to determine if the animal is an appropriate weight for their size. This would be impossible to do without a physical exam. I think you may find this care sheet helpful. It is good to feed a portion of pellets, but their diet should primarily be fresh produce. Lafeber is a wonderful resource for exotic pets. Cheers! I hope this is helpful.

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Is a 20 gallon tank fine for an 9 month map turtle? Do I need a bigger tank? Thanks!

Thanks for your question about Jade! A 20 gallon tank is likely appropriate for him while he is young, however this species of map turtle can get to be about 10 inches or so in length, and due to this size, will need a larger tank as he gets to be full size. Ideally, the water level should be at least as deep as Jade is long, and more ideally it would be 1.5x deeper (ex: if Jade is 10 inches long, the water would be 15 inches deep). There would also need to be enough space for two haul out areas, one on the cool end of the enclosure and one on the warm end of the enclosure. There will also need to be space for a water heater to be present. With all of these items, it can get quite crowded in a small tank! I hope that helps to answer your question, and good luck!

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My cat ate a common house gecko's 1 leg and hand yesterday. It was a very small gecko. I guees 1.5inch long. What should i do now? Please help.

Hello, If she is not experiencing any problems, such as vomiting and diarrhea, she will likely digest the gecko just fine and not require any care. I hope this is helpful! Thanks for using Boop by Petco!

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My singaporean turtle is well active but his shells colour is fading and turning light green form dark sap green and also a white narrow line has developed what sholud I do???

Thanks for reaching out about Bolt and including photos. Shell color changes front items in the water are rarely a problem unless toxic. Algae can often change the color greenish. The white line is not noted on the photos but can sometimes be a growth line or residue from hard water (mineral deposits). Trying to prevent contaminants from falling into the pond will help. Maintain good water quality, offer a well rounded diet and plenty of sunlight (natural is better than artificial) and seek a veterinarian if your concerns continue. Good luck.

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