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1585 Questions

hi, i currently own a spur thighed tortoise but sometimes i feel guilty because she is on her own and has nothing to do other than walk around eat sleep and bath so i was wondering if it would be safe to own another tortoise, the same gender but a different breed (horse field tortoise) would this make my tortoise happy? i am fully prepared to take care for two tortoises at the same time thanks kate xx

Tortoises do best in single housing systems. They live completely alone in the wild. Adding another turtle may cause unnecessary stress, fighting, and potential spread of disease. You can consider adding enrichment for Georgia such as various fresh edible plants or revamping her enclosure.

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I have a12 year old Alsatian Breed dog.He has been facing problems with his hind legs and feels great discomfort walking ,standing after some rest,jAnd jumping has become impossible for him.Please suggest some cure.

He does sound like he is in pain, and this may be caused by arthritis. Arthritis is common in older dogs. I would take Moti into the vet for an exam. The vet can diagnose if he is suffering from arthritis, and can give him some pain meds for it. Rimadyl (an NSAID) is a good drug to give to help with the symptoms of arthritis. I also recommend giving him glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate supplements. They provide the necessary nutrients for cartilage repair and function. Use of them helps relieve some of the symptoms of arthritis, and you can use it in conjuction with Rimadyl to help maximize relief from his symptoms.

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Our dog tested positive for pancreatitis after vonitting a small amount of blood 2 days ago. She seems to be herself from an energy perspective and has not thrown up since. Because there was blood would this be considered a severe case of pancreatitis? Will she always be prone to more episodes of pancreatitis? We believe she is around 6 or 7. 25 pounds and a mixed breed. Can dogs live a long healthy life after an developing pancreatitis?

Dogs can live a healthy and normal life with pancreatitis, although symptoms may seem severe when a crisis happens, it is usually very treatable. the presence of blood in the vomiting does not indicate that her case is more severe than others but nonetheless almost every dog that has been diagnosed with pancreatitis will be prone to these crisis in the future, although with being very strict with the prescription diet you can minimize those episodes to a minimum.

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What the most probably disease according to this symptoms on my dog? Vomit ( yellowish - bile) No appetite Sticky -like poop Blood urine for one day only Profile: Last vaccination date on 5/12/2017 2 years old Male Mixed breed

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! I noticed in one of those pictures that his stool is really diarrhea and is black (which usually means a sign of bleeding). Vomiting and diarrhea can occur secondary to conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, dietary indiscretion, parasites, among other possibilities. In addition, black stools can be indicative of bleeding into the small intestine or stomach which can happen secondary to an ulcer for instance. Bloody urine can be the result of an infection, stones, tumors, among other possibilities. I recommend that you have him evaluated by your veterinarian for further assessment and treatment. At the very least they can start him on medications to make him feel better and check his hydration status. In the meantime, keep water available at all times to try to prevent dehydration. Good luck and have a good day!

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Hello. Are you able to tell me what breed my cat is from these photos?

Thank you for submitting your question regarding Ella. She is likely a mix of breeds known in the United States as a domestic short hair cat. However, I suspect she is predominantly Russian Blue. I hope this information helps!

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Hello. Can you tell me what breed my cat is from these photos?

She’s beautiful! This is called a Domestic Shorthair. It is not a registered cat breed but a description of a type of mixed breed cat. Thanks for using Boop by Petco to help you get answers to your veterinary questions.

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Would an American bulldog x staffy be classed as a pit bull in England? I want to buy one but last time I had a mixed breed bulldog it was removed and euthanised they said she was a pit bull so would this breed be classed as a pit bull??

No, it is not classed as a pit bull but if there is some pit bull blood in the dog, and it gets recognised, you are at risk of having the same problem again. In general, American Bulldogs cross Staffies are ok.

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For linda's next breeding should i breed her to a blue nose pitbull or red nose pitbull?? what color would most likely pop out if she is bred to a rednose ?? what color would most likely pop out if she is bred to a blue nose?? she is black and white What kinda food do i feed her while she is pregnant??

Genetics of coat color are complicated in dogs so we can’t help much in that department. I do have some comments about the rest though. First, from an ethical perspective, I feel compelled to let you know that about 40% of dogs and puppies in shelters nation-wide are pit bulls and pit bull mixes. Breeding pit bulls is highly discouraged by most veterinarians since we know that a lot of them end up euthanized or in shelters. If you do decide to proceed, here are some medical suggestions: Female dogs should not be bred until at least 2 years of age to slow them to achieve complete maturity. They are more likely to birth without complications if allowed to do so. They should be fed puppy food while pregnant- unrestricted in the last trimester and while nursing. She’ll need an X-ray at about 45-55 days to determine how many pups she is carrying. That way, you know when all of them have arrived! (Or when to worry if they have not all arrived.) Always have an emergency vet in the back of your mind as well as about $3000-5000 saved in case she needs an emergency C-section. Best wishes to you and Linda!

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I have always felt strongly that I would not get a bulldog, or other brachycephalic dog breed, as I am uncomfortable with the dangers these dogs face due to breeding for this trait. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was on my short list for my next dog and I just found out they are brachycephalic also. Do all spaniels have this issue? Is the King Charles Spaniel bred for that short nose?

Unfortunately the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for some reason has been bred with shorter and shorter noses over the last few years, so now it is indeed a brachycephalic dog. You also do not want this breed as it can have serious congenital problems such as heart disease and syringomelia. If you like spaniels any of the other spaniels such as Cocker Spaniel and English Springer Spaniel =, Field Spaniel and Welsh Springer Spaniel are not brachycephalic and less prone to congenital breed specific problems.

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