Hi there. I was just wondering if I bird can die from stress? One of our lorikeets flew away. His brother who isleft on his own for the first time in his life is stressed. His little heart is beating so fast. Can he die overnight fron being stressed out? Can i help him in anyway?

Updated On September 5th, 2017

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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So sorry this happened :( Yes stress can kill birds. That is often how birds die. They get stressed very easily. That being said, I don't think this type of stress will cause him to die. It is usually stress from transport, moving, illness, etc. There is nothing you can really do except try to keep him calm by covering the cage and maybe play some soft, easy music for him. Some people have had luck using Rescue Remedy. I'm not sure if you can get it in the UK but you may be able to get it from Amazon. That won't give you immediate help but if his companion stays gone it may help over the long run. http://www.petremedycharts.com/Learning%20Center/Homeopathy/Homeopathic%20Remedies/Homeopathic_Remedies/Rescue_Remedy_for_Pets.html You MUST get the Rescue Remedy for pets and not the human one. The human one has alcohol in it which is not good for animals. Hope this helps. I hope your Lorikeet comes back. If he does return you may want to consider clipping his wings so this doesn't happen again! Best wishes.

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