Thelma I my rescue I have had probably 4 months or so. Every time I pet her she ducks her head for some reason or if I pet her body she pulls away. Can u explain why this is because since I have had her I pay her alot of attention.
Updated On January 23rd, 2020
Pet's info: Reptile | Bearded Dragon | Female | unspayed | 9 years old | 1lb
Answered By Sabina Snyder, Specialty Surgery Technician 51
Veterinary Technician
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While rescue pets can have a variety of reasons that they show behaviors such as fear, shyness, etc, I would also consider that Thelma is a reptile. While many, like bearded dragons, geckos, and even some snakes, can grow accustomed to being "pet", instinctively, their first reaction will usually be to avoid being touched. We can't forget that these animals, in the wild, if they allowed themselves to be handled, would likely not meet a very good end. But keep up with the bonding. It may take longer than you like, but even reptiles can grow to love affection! I had a ball python which loves to come out and wrap herself around my arm and hand for hours.
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