Piglets are dieing in stomach

Updated On April 22nd, 2020

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Pig | Female | 70 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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I assume you are talking about the babies being stillborn? The are many diseases that can cause this: * enterovirus * Mycoplasma (eperythrozoonosis) * leptospirosis * mycotoxicosis (fungal disease) * parvovirus * PRRS circovirus * toxoplasmosis * Carbon monoxide poisoning Some non-infectious causes: * early placental separation * trauma * oversized fetuses * uterine inertia (the uterus is not working to push the babies out fast enough * calcium deficiency of the sow I suggest you find a vet to come out and check them. If this is due to an infectious cause this could spread to any other pigs you may have.

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