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1024 Questions

There's something wrong with my fish, and I know fish aren't that important but it can't hurt to ask right? He's got a little puffy white thing coming off his side, its started to turn pinkish in the center and its definitely affecting his buoyancy, I don't know what it is or how to fix it

All pets are important to us! It is possible it may be an abscess or infection. If it is a tumor and is growing fast, there may not be much you can do other than keep him comfortable. For now, move him into his own tank or bowl if he has tankmates just in case whatever he has is infectious and to make treatment easier. A wide variety of infections and afflictions in fish can be treated using simple aquarium salt (NOT table salt). Dissolve one teaspoon per gallon of water and allow him to swim in it. Change the water daily. Mix a fresh salt solution each day. Do this for 7-10 days. You can fast him for a day or two then offer bits of shelled green peas. This can help with constipation and swim bladder issues. Hopefully, this will result in some improvement or resolution. If not, you may need to treat for specific infections (bacterial, fungal or parasites). This would require an exam with a veterinarian that is experienced in treating fish. It can be done, but unfortunately the prognosis for an ill fish may be poor.

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My dog has hip dysplasia and was operated for perineal hernia (twice) 4 months ago. My question is, is there any activity we can do at home, what kind of play and limitation we can give him that will do well on his hips but wont compromise his perineal hernia. Also, is there any supplement we can give to help prevent recurrence of his hernia? He's on glucosamine chondroitin msm with fish oil at the moment for the dysplasia and we give him lactulose for his hernia. Thank you in advance.

I would recommend a full assessment by a veterinary rehabilitation specialist or physiotherapist given his conditions which complicate each other. Strict weight management is vital for both and i would recommend hills metabolic mobility diet for such. Acupuncture and chiropractic care may also help relieve any spasm and improve nerve control in the area and improve bowel motility

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I have 2 glo fish what kind of tank should I get?

At the very least, a 10 gallon tank with a filter, heater, hood and light. Ideally, the tank should be up and running (without fish) until it cycles properly. This means there needs to be sufficient time for beneficial bacteria to colonize the tank and filter to be able to break down wastes, namely ammonia and nitrites and to a lesser degree, nitrates. This can take several weeks to occur. You can cycle a tank with fish in it, but it will require daily testing of water chemistry to prevent a toxic build up of ammonia and/or nitrites. Either can kill your fish if not treated. Follow this link for a FAQ regarding Glo Fish: Follow this link for more about cycling a tank:

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Dear Sir/Mam, we have white molly as a pet and it seems to be ill since few days , It has got some kind of black spots over its body , and it seems to be increasing day by day , so we decided to keep it away from other fish to avoid spreading of disease ,the black spot to me looks like some thing is hanging on to it ,pls guide us There is no fish vet in our town ... I really need to save it ..pls doctors help me ... help the dear life plssssss......

Black spots or discoloration can be caused by elevated ammonia levels. Test water chemistry using a home test kit or submit a water sample for testing. Most pet or fish stores will do this for free or for a nominal fee. Ammonia and nitrites should be 0.25 ppm (parts per million) or less, nitrates can be 40ppm or less. Partial water chnages daily should be done to decrease ammonia levels. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. Elevated ammonia levels can be caused by overfeeding, new tank syndrome or overstocking.

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Hai my 2 months old kitten stellet is litter box trained. His poop is like pee (liquid) and he not issued litter box now. He is eating well and very energetic. I feed him milk and wiskas ocean fish flavour with milk. Please help stellet

The liquid diarrhea indicates that there is an infection in the intestines. Kittens commonly get various infections that look like this. A veterinarian would be able to help identify the cause and/or treat for the common causes. I recommend taking him to a vet as soon as you can, because they can quickly get dehydrated with diarrhea like this and he may already be somewhat dehydrated. It's not an emergency right now, but it would be best to get an appointment within the next 24 hours. For now, I recommend to stop feeding the milk and only feed the Wiskas. Milk can actually cause diarrhea and is not needed at Stellet's age. Also, make sure there is plenty of clean water available for her. I hope that helps and Stellet gets better soon.

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Stellet has fleas. The hair is failed in one particular area and that area become red. In ears and legs. Some days back I gave him dry fish which shocked in salt. Is that because of fleas. (He only has 1 or 2 fleas) Is that because of over salt. If not why it cased? Will it cure as days pass Can you tell home reminds for it. Photos are attached.

It's probably because of the fleas. here is the list of the best flea products on the market. Spot ons: Revoulution Advantage Advantage Multi Frontline (ticks as well) Bravecto spot on (ticks as well) - for cats Tablets: comfortis Collar: Seresto ( (ticks as well) House spary: Indoorex

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My dog's paws are red; she licks them frequently. My vet said it's environmental allergies. We've tried all of the following with no improvement: antihistamines, allergy shot, keeping paws clean and dry, grain-free diet, chicken-free diet, coconut oil, fish oil. We've been to the vet multiple times, but nothing is working over the last year. What should we do from here? Thank you very much!

Hi and thanks for your post. You may consider food allergy testing to determine what Olive is allergic to so those allergens can be avoided in the diet. There is also a medication called Apoquel that can really help as well as Cytopoint which also works very well at controlling allergy symptoms in dogs. Environmental allergy testing can help in determine what exactly she may be allergic to in her environment such as grass, pollen, weeds, etc. and an immunotherapy injection towards those substances she is allergic to is made specifically for her. These injections are a little bit expensive but works exceptionally well if all else has failed. Hope this helps and best wishes to you and Olive!

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My 5 inch discus fish is eating less (I feed only dry food, Hikari bio gold) and I saw a little hole on the left side of his head . Please help .

Test the water or submit a sample to confirm proper chemistry. Most pet or fish stores will test water for free or for a nominal fee. Correct any imbalances with partial water changes (30-50%). Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. Metronidazole is an effective treatment for HITH (hole in the head) disease. You can feed medicated food, treat the tank or use it for medicated soaks. Look in the aquarium section of the local pet or fish store. Follow label directions carefully.

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My 8 yo Siamese cat has just experienced a cross continental move. In the past week, (been here 2) her gums in the front of her mouth have gone from a healthy pink to a blackish color. She has had dental plaque but I brush her teeth. There are a lot of new variables in the equation: new food (fish based which she may have a slight allergy to), flea treatment, litter, much colder climate, new stress in a new home. Is this something serious or stress related? There are no behavior changes. Thanks!

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! At least based on the pictures, it just looks like a normal change in the pigmentation of her gums which would not be serious and would not be a reason to be concerned. If at some point you notice any clinical signs affecting her such as decreased appetite or lethargy, have her evaluated. Otherwise, I think that she will be just fine. Good luck!

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