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1488 Questions

I have a red eared slider who is 1 and a half year old. The commercial pellet box suggests that I feed my turtle twice as much as she can eat. Should I follow this, however even if I give 20 pellets at a time, my turtle eats it.

I hope you are feeding other foods and not just pellets. I suggest you refer to this guide on how, what and when you should feed her. As an adult most only need to be fed every 2 or 3 days. ( )

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My cat about 3 months old ate a quite big and fat house lizard and also she is not vaccinated yet. What should I do? Will interacting to her can cause problems to my health or is it dangerous?

The cat will not get any viruses from eating a lizard but, she can get intestinal parasites. I suggest you get her vaccinations started and have her dewormed because she needs them but I would not be overly concerned about her eating this one lizard. It should not be harmful to you in any way. I don't know if you are asking specifically about rabies but you do not have to worry about rabies. Reptiles (like lizards) do not get or carry rabies; only mammals.

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I have an Iguana. I think she may have somehow (I don't know how it's possible) swallowed a medical glove. I noticed a couple minutes ago the medical glove fully in tact coming out of her butt and she is having trouble getting it out completely. I tried to pull lightly but it won't budge and I don't want to hurt her or have it rip and get stuck inside her. I can't afford a vet bill, I don't know what to do.

Hello, Iguanas commonly eat things they should not, and this can lead to both surgical or medical emergencies. If the glove has ruptured her colon, she may be going into sepsis and need surgery. If her intestines are intact, this may require time, fluids, laxatives, or other treatments to assist with its passing. I'd recommend keeping her on the warm end of her temperature spectrum and soaking her twice a day, as warmth and hydration will be helpful for constipation. An x-ray would be needed to determine if an intestinal rupture has occurred. If she becomes lethargic and painful, please seek a consult with a vet. I hope this helps.

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My mom accidentally fed my bearded dragons 7 dead super worms, will they be okay and what will happen to them?

If they were refrigerated, it may not cause any harm. The concern is them eating rotting prey. Monitor for lethargy, loss of appetite, loose droppings or regurgitation. You may end up taking them to your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles for exams and supportive care if they develop any of the symptoms mentioned above.

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My one year-old leopard gecko about a week ago shed and ripped too many layers of skin off her tail and it’s been bleeding and cracking she didn’t drop it off and giving her a bath putting mineral oil on it Neosporin and Vaseline she’s very restless and continuously licks her tail I have her on Eco earth and she still eats and poops and Drinks really good

Thanks for reaching out about Pants and including a photo. Are you sure this is from a poor shed or could it be a thermal burn? Check proximity to the heating element. At first, it is recommended to remove all substrate that could stick to the wound, and replace with clean cloth or ReptiCarpet. Applying topical antibiotics are good but adding a systemic antibiotics and analgesia might improve healing. A veterinary visit is needed to prescribe these. Good luck.

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My American Box turtle stopped eating...he has done that before but usually lasts 1 to 2 weeks...he is going on 3 weeks and hides under his log...we have had him for 20 years he has no discharge from nose eyes look healthy and shell is he finally hibernating or could something else be wrong...please help...thanks.

Brumation (hibernation) could be a reason. Typically though, as long as the temps are consistent year round, a non-breeding turtle does not need to brumate. Check the tank temps anyway. Low temps will affect activity in turtles. Dehydration may also cause lethargy. Give him a good, long soak in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte. If he defecates in the bath, change it and continue the soak. This will provide supplemental heat as well as hydration. If he doesn't perk up, have him examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles to diagnose and treat any illness or injury.

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My dog ate one of those little Mexican alligator lizards from outside I was wondering how dangerous it was for her if there's any specific diseases or symptoms I should look out for in case it was a carrier or something or if I am overreacting

Unless your dog ate a Mexican beaded lizard, you do not have to worry. If he indeed ate a Mexican Alligator Lizard (Abronia), it was a nice but harmless snack. Here is a photo of a Mexican Alligator Lizard: And here a photo of a Mexican Beaded Lizard (toxic): Should he have eaten a Mexican Beaded Lizard, you need to take him to your veterinarian right away for an exam and treatment.

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leopard gecko has a hard lump above an arm

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! This may be due to a growth or perhaps an infection or inflammation. It would be best to have Goji evaluated by a veterinarian for further assessment and treatment. They would be able to sample this and determine what would be best to take care of it. Best of luck!

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How can i determine whether or not my red eared slider turtle is a female or male

Thanks for reaching out about Bob Luigi and including a photo. Males typically have two differences than females, but sometimes difficult to determine. Males tend to have very long front nails. Males also have longer, more narrow tails, where the females have shorter tails and the cloaca is at the edge of the shell. Good luck.

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