I am suspecting an SI injury or SI disease in my 17 year old mare. She doesn't seem lame but she has an assymetrical croup and plaits her hind legs at the walk. She will walk and trot. She also has difficulty standing squarely and placing her feet correctly when turning her shoulders. The advice I'd like is how should I ride her? I mainly trail ride walk/trot and I'd like to canter, but haven't gotten to it. I will not canter if she doesn't want to. Do I need to get a vet out to look at her?
I would advise you to get an equine vet out to look at her as soon as you can. What you describe may be due to sacroiliac pain, but aspects of it such as problems placing her feet would make me wonder regarding a neurological issue. I would advise you not to ride her until the vet has checked her out, for your own safety and to avoid worsening any problem. You can walk her in hand. I hope it is nothing too serious and you find resolution quickly.
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