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61166 Questions

Today I noticed a small bump on my dog's lower eyelid. What could this be?

A bump on the lower eyelid could be a few different things. If it's on the skin of the eyelid itself, it is likely to be a benign tumor such as a meibomian gland adenoma - dogs get tumors in this area very frequently, but they are benign over 90% of the time so not normally a concern unless they are irritating the eye and causing redness or discharge - in this case, they can be surgically removed. If the bump is on the inside of the lower eyelid (the conjuctival surface), then it could be a plugged duct or a sty - these are more likely to cause eye irritation, so may need antibiotics or other medication to treat. If you would like to upload a photo of the bump, you're welcome to request a consultation so that we can look at it - based on the photo, I could give you a better idea of what the bump may be. This doesn't sound like something that's an emergency, but if it's causing any redness or irritation to the eye, I would recommend having it examined by a vet within the next few days to determine what type of treatment may be needed.

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Why Is My Pregnant Dog Leaking Clear Fluid?

If your [pregnant dog]( is having some fluid discharge and she is at or near her due date, expect her to have her pups soon. Confine her to an area that is quiet (if she isn't already in a whelping box) since noise or stress can cause her to delay the delivery. If you've been [monitoring her temperature]( and it has fallen below 100 degrees, the pups should come in the next 24 hours. [As labor nears](, she may become agitated, getting up and down or licking herself. Once you see firm signs of labor, simply monitor her. Most dogs will deliver a litter without human intervention. If she does not begin pushing within 2-4 hours of the start of labor, a call or visit to your local emergency vet to ensure everything is still going fine is strongly recommended.

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My dog ate a packing peanut will she be ok

There are typically two types of packing peanuts. The first type is biodegradable, and the other is made of Styrofoam. To tell which type she ate, drop one in water. If it softens and dissolves, then it's biodegradable. This type will likely pass on it's own, especially if she ate only one. I would monitor her for signs of blockage, such as vomiting, lethargy, and anorexia. If you see any of those signs, she needs to go into the vet right away. If the peanuts your dog ate are Styrofoam, I would call your vet to see if they want you to induce vomiting. It may be that it will pass on it's own, or it could become stuck. There's more of a chance of this getting stuck than the other type because it isn't biodegradable. If your vet doesn't recommend to induce vomiting, you will have to monitor for the signs of obstruction I mentioned above. If it becomes stuck, she will need surgery to have it removed.

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Is Xyzal (levocetirizine) safe for dogs with allergies?

Most OTC antihistamines can be used in dogs, however you should **never** give any medications to your dog without the advice of your veterinarian. Legally though, we cannot direct you to medicate your pet in the absence of a physical exam and a VCPR (veterinarian-client-patient-relationship). [Allergies]( can be frustrating to diagnose since they can have multiple causes ([environmental](, [food](, [flea bites](, etc.). Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Discuss [food elimination trials]( and [allergy testing]( and if antihistamine use is indicated, he or she can give you a proper dose, The medication may provide some relief but your task is to try to determine what your dog is allergic to and decrease or eliminate it.

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My dog's stomach is making a lot of gurgling noises and he won't eat. He threw up fluids and has been sleeping all day.

It is possible your dog is experiencing some illness or digestive upset. There are multiple causes, ranging from internal parasites to ingestion of foreign bodies. If your dog is unable to eat and has been [vomiting]( for more than 24 hours, making an appointment with your vet is strongly recommended. You can also try a bland meal of boiled chicken and plain white rice to soothe minor digestive upset. However, if symptoms continue he will need to be examined. Bringing a sample of your dog's vomit or stool to your appointment can help your vet determine if there is a common problem, such as parasites, more quickly. If at any time your dog shows signs of severe distress (gasping for air, an extremely bloated or painful abdomen, attempting to vomit or defecate without success, or pale/blue gums or tongue), it may signal a medical emergency, such as [bloat]( This should be addressed by your veterinarian or veterinary ER immediately if suspected.

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Why is my dog peeing on everything?

Inappropriate urination in dogs can be due to a number of issues, including behavioral problems, urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones, underlying kidney disease, endocrine disease, and others. In order to get to the bottom of the situation, your dog should be taken to a veterinarian for a physical exam and diagnostic testing. The veterinarian will be able to run a urinalysis, which will determine if there is evidence of infection, crystals, glucose or protein in the urine. Additionally, it will provide a measure of urine concentration (urine specific gravity), which is a useful value in evaluating kidney function. Blood testing may also be recommended to determine if any organ dysfunction could be the cause of the problem.

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Hi. What are possible side effects of penicillimine? My mixed breed dog has Chronic hepatitis (asymptomatic), very high liver enzymes, severe copper storage seen in liver biopsy. Vet plans to use penicillimine for chelation therapy and keep feeding homecooked diet. Are organic foods better than nonorg. for less copper? Do you know of a particular water brand with low or no copper? Thank you.

From Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook: In dogs, the most prevalent adverse effects associated with penicillamine are: -Nausea, vomiting, and depression. While penicillamine should be given on an empty stomach (at least 30 minutes before feeding), if the animal develops problems with vomiting or anorexia, four remedies have been suggested: -Give the same total daily dose, but divide into smaller individual doses and give more frequently. -Temporarily reduce the daily dose and gradually increase to recommended dosage. -Give a long-acting antiemetic one-hour before dosing. -Give with a small amount of food (e.g., cheese or bread) if one of the first three do not alleviate vomiting. -Although thought infrequent or rare, fever, lymphadenopathy, skin hypersensitivity reactions, or immune-complex glomerulonephropathy may occur. A case of hemolytic anemia in a cat has been reported. -Penicillamine can reduce GI dietary mineral (zinc, iron, copper, and calcium) absorption and cause deficiencies with long-term use. Pyridoxine deficient states may occur; supplementation advised. Dietary restriction of copper intake is an important part of therapy but does not replace copper chelation if excessive copper storage is already present. Dietary copper is restricted to <5 mg/kg (ppm, dry matter basis). Most puppy and adult dog foods contain 15-25 mg/kg (ppm, dry matter basis). Prescription hepatic diets contain lower levels of copper. For example, Hills L/D contains 4.9 mg/kg copper (ppm, dry matter basis). Organic diets may or may not have an appropriate copper level - being organic does not necessarily mean it is healthier. You may want to contact your local municipal authority or water utility company to inquire about mineral contents. Copper level could also be increased if you house uses copper pipes. you can get your water tested. If the water contains more than 100 micrograms per liter, then bottled demineralized water should be used. This water should contain only 1 microgram of copper per liter. Demineralized water and distilled water are processed differently and may not contain the same amount of copper. I am not aware of the specific copper contents of different brands, you may have to call the information number for a specific brand to ask about the copper contents.

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Will it harm my dog if I switch her food flavors every 6 weeks? (Same brand) why or why not?

It should not harm Chloe to change her food every 6 weeks, provided that the transition is made gradually by mixing the old and new foods together over 5-7 days. The transition should be made gradually, even within the same brand, since the foods likely have different protein and/or carbohydrate sources. However, if she has any dietary intolerances or allergies, there is a chance that she could experience gastrointestinal upset (vomiting, diarrhea, or a loss of appetite).

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Can I give my pregnant dog a Duphaston Drug for her not to get miscarriage?

Hi and thanks for using Boop by Petco! If Bugsy is the correct age, this is her first time being pregnant. I wouldn't advise progesterone supplementation in a case without a known history of problems with past pregnancies. Also, progesterone levels need to be monitored in those cases before beginning supplementation. Since you didn't state more information in your question, I would advise against giving this supplementation unless there is a good reason for it and progesterone levels have been measured. Good luck

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