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1024 Questions

i just got a clown fish pleco and he's not moving i noticed he wasn't moving in the store either and his not dead i tried to grab him but he swam away

Check the water temperature. Cold water will affect activity in tropical fish. This species does best in waters between 72F and 82F. They also need wood in the tank. Provide a piece or length of mopani wood or other driftwood.

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Hello, I'm from Bangladesh. i have a Persian cat. Now he is 10 months old. I'm giving him raw meat and fish on his daily diet. Some days ago he vomited a lot and don't eat his food. Then, I ask him who gave persian cat to me. He said, " You should give him human's worm distructive medicine. So, I give that to my cat. Now, he is kinda stable but he still vomit. He is also physically weak now. As well as, my persian cat also has flee on his body. So, please give me some advice what should I do?

Poor kitty. If he is only receiving meat in his diet he stands a good chance of suffering from Taurine deficiency, which can cause heart failure. He needs to be seen by your vet right away for testing and treatment depending on the underlying issue. Other possible causes for his vomiting and lethargy are underlying congenital kidney disorder, pancreatitis or simply salmonella poisoning from eating raw meat. I surely hope that your vet can narrow things down after running some tests and stabilize Cyrus’s conditon soon. Best of luck to you and take care.

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Hi, I am looking to fly with my fish later today. I am told her has to be in 3.4oz of water or less in order to do this. Do you think my betta fish will survive an hour in this small amount of space as I get through security?

It isn't optimal, but she should be fine for the short flight. Make sure the water isn't too cold and change it (or add conditioned water) when you get to your destination. I've had Bettas shipped to me from Thailand to New York and Pennsylvania in as little as a half cup of water and they've survived the trip.

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My dog is very itchy and scratches himself all the time. We’ve tried anti-itch spray and fish oil and they aren’t working. What should I do?

Scratching and itchiness can be caused by various reasons such as fleas, mites ,fungal infection, bacterial infection and allergies. the first 4 needs to be ruled out before we start treating for allergies. in order to do that first de-flea Buddy with a high quality flea treatment such as advantage spot on, if it doesn't help - take him to the vet in order to check for/treat the other possibilities. If everything is ruled out, then an allergy treatment can be started. Usually an hypoallergenic food is a good way to start together with anti histamines. if it doesn't help - the best solution is a medication called Apoquel which treats allergies with great success and without side effects.

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I have 3 Fancy Goldfish; Spot, Zedar and Monty. Monty has 2 white lumps on his head was swimming before but is lying inside the ship all the time. Spot is all white with black and orange spots it was spastic swimming but still eating. Then got swim bladder but still eating. Then started staying in the ship, now just lying on the tank floor. Spot was showing signs before Monty. Zedar seems to be fine but occasionally taking large gulps at the top of the tank and while in the water. What is this?

Check the water chemistry. Use a liquid home test kit or submit a sample of water for testing. Most pet or fish stores will do this for free or for a small fee. The concern is elevated ammonia or nitrites are causing the symptoms you are seeing. The resulting stress can lead to opportunistic or secondary infections. Goldfish produce a larger than average bio load (wastes) that can quickly lead to poor water quality. For this reason, it is recorded to provide 20 gallons of water for the first goldfish then 10 additional gallons per extra fish. Any filter used should be rated for at least twice the volume of the tank. For now, perform daily partial water changes to stabilize chemistry and maintain water quality. Plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt) can be used as a general tonic to reduce stress, improve gill function, treat minor infection and aid in any recovery. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water in a cup of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. Treat for 10-14 days then reassess the condition. When performing water changes, add salt only to the amount of water being replaced, not the entire tank volume. An antibiotic, found in the aquarium section of the local pet or fish store, can be used if necessary. Tetracycline, erythromycin or kanamycin can be used. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment if indicated. Consider a larger tank if you have a small one or separate the fish.

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I fish jus died after three dsys of having them gold fish they white things on there fins an started to swim funny then they died i will like to know hiw to treat the fishs an clean the tank

It sounds like your fish developed white spot disease, also called ich (ick). White spot disease, scientifically named Ichtyopthirius multifiliis, is commonly referred to as freshwater ich or ick. The disease is caused by single-cell organisms (protozoa) that attack fish with lowered immune systems. If your goldfish have recently survived an infection, sudden temperature change, or long period in dirty water, they could be vulnerable to white spot disease. If you have any fish left, slowly raise the water temperature to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, about 2 degrees per hour. The heat stops the ich parasites from dividing into many more. You can also add salt, which will help your fish develop their slime coat to help them ward off reattachment from the parasites. Use salt specifically for freshwater fish (aquarium salt), not table salt. Follow the directions on the back of the container for best results or add 1 tablespoon (3 teaspoons) for every 5 gallons (19 liters) of aquarium water. Many specialists also recommend 1 teaspoon per gallon instead.The salt is optional. As the temperature rises, water won’t be able to hold dissolved oxygen as well. Oxygenate the water by reducing the water level (this will boost surface area agitation from your filter), aiming power heads towards the surface of the water, or placing a few extra air stones (or ornaments with embedded air stones) into the water. Keep the temp at 86 for ten days while ich symptoms are visible, change 25% of the water every two days to keep oxygen levels up and remove excess parasites if you're using it. If there are no fish left, then raise the temperature without worrying about doing it slowly and keep it 86 for the whole ten days. If you still have fish, wait 3-5 days after the last of the white spots disappear. Gradually reduce the water temperature back to 65 °F in the same 2 degrees/hour like you did before. Do one last 25% water change and continue water changes on a weekly basis as usual. If you notice more white spots on your goldfish after using the natural ich treatment (and you’re sure you continued treatment for at least three days after the last visible signs of white spot disease), it could mean that the parasite has grown resistant to the heat and salt treatment. You may have to resort to using a commercial ich treatment product, such as CopperSafe Fish Treatment, by Mardel.

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I have a betta fish and I want to put him with neon tetra fish can he live with them and how do you know if he is a male or female. Do you want a picture to tell I will include some and will he be able to handle 10 gallon and will neon tetra also

A male Betta can be kept in a 10 gallon tank with 5-6 neon tetras. You will need to monitor for any aggression initially as well as for any fin nipping. Male Bettas are easy to distinguish from females by their brighter colors and larger fins.

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My vet recommended Benadryl for my dog for her itching and environmental allergies but she doesn't appear to be having any itching right now. Her eyes sometimes would get bloodshot, would Benadryl help with that? I'm wondering if I should temporarily discontinue the Benadryl since she's doing better? I don't want to add unnecessary supplements to her diet. Right now she's on a joint pill because her breed is prone to joint problems. Does she need fish oil or probiotics? she's on Acana kibble.

If Chloe seems to be doing well I would suggest that you do discontinue the Benadryl. Dogs actually will build up a tolerance to the Benadryl if given consistently over a period of time. At that time it will either stop working or she will need more to get the same effect. You can always start it up again. The probiotic may help with allergies believe it or not so you can definitely do that - it will not hurt anything and might help. I like Fortiflora but you can use any probiotic made for dogs (not human ones or dairy). I do not have any first hand experience using this product but I have had a lot of people tell me it works well for allergies: You can also add the fish oil if you want to as well. It is always recommended. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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he has very distended stomach hard to the touch hi gums are pale hes drinking lots hes very quiet just refused food for 4 days but today gobbled up his fish hes very quiet just lieing down all the time. he has lost a lot of muscle in the last year and his back legs have gone a few months ago i often have to carry him out for a pee although today he did get up and wobble out himself

With chido's age and his abdomen being distended, I would be concerned about something going on in his abdomen such as a hemorrhage since his gums are pale. Many times we see this presentation and find that the spleen has multiple tumors and is actively bleeding into the abdominal cavity. There may be something else bleeding or producing fluid in the abdomen as well. I would strongly recommend having him examined by a veterinarian and having x-rays taken of his abdomen to help figure out what is going on. I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

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