I need help my black molly fish does not want to eat has inflamed abdomen and raised scales has white parts and only happens at the bottom of the aquarium I give melafix medicine will work?
The natural antibiotic properties of Melafix work best with minor or external infections. Your Molly may be quite ill and may need more aggressive treatment. If you have other fish in the tank, especially Bettas or Gouramis, you cannot use Melafix as this could harm them. Separate the molly to a hospital tank and treat there. You will need to remove the carbon filter insert during treatment or it will filter out the Melafix.
The symptoms listed may indicate bacterial infection, parasites, constipation or obstruction. If Negrito has a pinecone appearance, he may have a serious infection (dropsy) that is causing kidney failure. This would in turn cause the swollen abdomen and lack of appetite.
Check the water chemistry, temperature and filtration. Ammonia and nitrites should be absent and nitrates can be present at 40ppm (parts per million) or less. Molies do best in water between 75F and 80F. Perform a partial water change if necessary to stabilize chemistry and maintain water quality. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. Clean water is the best way to manage any infection. Plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt) can be used at 1 teaspoon per gallon of water but it is not recommended if your molly has dropsy. In this case, Epsom salt can be used to decrease swelling. Allow a 15-30 minute swim in a bath prepared with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water. Do this in a separate container. It could help with constipation as well.
If the Melafix does not help, use a product such as Kanaplex or Maracyn. These are broad spectrum antibiotics that you can find in the aquarium section of the local pet or fish store. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment if indicated.
Hopefully, any infection will be resolved with treatment. If it is dropsy, unfortunately, this condition has a high mortality rate.
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