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1585 Questions

My dog pomeranian breed, itches a lot on her back near tail. I checked, there was no cut or harm there. Might be there are some fleas or tick on her body, but she is itching on that same part again and again, instead of any other body parts. Also , is it not normal to have some ticks or flea on their body. Is there any spray fir these ticks or fleas that are recommended.

This is probably due to an allergy, although it could also be infection or mites. First of all, in order to rule out skin parasites, you will need to treat with a high quality flea treatment, then ask the vet to perform a skin scrape - this might reveal an infection or a mite infestation. If all of those came back negative, the next step is to treat the allergy symptomatically and try to discover the cause of the allergy. Three main type of allergies are usually affecting pets: food allergies, flea and parasite related ones and environmental type (allergens coming from trees, pollens, dust etc etc). Some medications can be given by the vet in order to repair any possible skin lesions (like steroids and antibiotics). Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further.

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Hi, i found a bird with broken wings on my backyard. I am not sure about the species. Maybe it is called burung layang-layang or burung walet in Bahasa Indonesia. How should i help the bird ?

Unfortunately a bird with a broken wing will not be able to survive in the wild, even after the fracture has healed. if you would consider keeping it then i would recommend to take him to the vet, if it is a simple fracture there is a special bandage that can be done to fix it.

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My Siamese Cat (Female) Mated with my Persian Cat (White Male) and now She gave birth to 3 kittens 2 black and 1 white. My Question is What Breed are they, none of them have Siamese color.

Even though none of the kittens have Siamese color, they will have genes from both their mother and father. The color of kittens depends on which genes are expressed. The kittens will be considered a Siamese-Persian mix.

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Could u tell me what breed my dog is he is suppose to be a jack Russell but yet he has black spots all down his legs and around his body. He's only 6 months old but he's quite big for a puppy. I know his mother was a jack Russell but I don't know about the father

Unfortunately without seeing a picture of Yogi, I can't say what kind of breed he may be. You can request a consult with an expert online where you can share photos, or you can have a DNA test done on him. Wisdom Panel has home DNA kits that you can send it to find out his exact breed:

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Do have time to answer 10 questions for cats? I'm doing a school project. 1.How do cats react to you? 2.What do cats like to do besides sleep? 3.What do cats like to eat? 4.Is it ever okay to give cats milk? Why or why not? 5.What do cats chase most? 6.What are the three most popular cat breeds? 7.Why do cats have three eyelids? 8.What are 3 of the most important things to keep your cat happy and healthy? 9.Is it bad to declaw a cat? 10.What cat breeds are best for people with allergies?

1. Cats seem to like me. I personally have four cats. 2. Cats love to eat! They also like to play and get love. 3. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need to eat meat to survive. Different cats have different tastes. My cats love tuna, and all cats love meat and fish. I have a cat who loves to eat potato chips, especially sour cream and onion ones. She will come running if she hears a bag opening. 4. It is never ok to give cats milk. They are lactose intolerant and can't digest it. It will give them diarrhea. 5. Again, it depends on the cat. Some cats like chasing balls, while other like chasing animals on a string or feathers. 6. The Persian is #1, followed by the Maine Coon, and then the Exotic. 7. The third eyelid removes debris from the cornea, and helps to redistribute tears across the cornea. 8. It's very important to have regular health checks at your vet and vaccinate your cats. Feed them a high quality cat food, and avoid human food as many are toxic to cats. Keep them at a healthy weight, and show them lots of love and affection. 9. There are a lot of differing opinions on declawing cats. Some people think it's wrong, while others don't see a problem with it. It simply depends on personal opinion. 10. Sphynx, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex.

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I'm worried about my dog (breed:mongrel), it has been already exactly one week until now, he doesn't eat. he barely drinks small amount of water. He has red and watery eyes(like sore eyes). His body is so weak and he has lost so much weight based on appearance too. Also last three days he has been experiencing fever, and now he's cold. I desperately seek for your advice as I am in a remote area so its hard for me to reach a vet, I am a pharmacy student but clueless of what to do with my dog. ty

Poor Foxy! As difficult as it may be, he should be taken to a veterinarian. A physical exam, blood work and xrays may be necessary to diagnose the underlying condition. Supportive care (IV fluids, parenteral nutrition, antibiotics, etc) may also be indicated. Do not give him any medications without the advice of a veterinarian. You can try offering a bland diet (1:1 ratio of plain boiled boneless chicken and plain white rice). Serve it in small, frequent amounts. Warming it up may stimulate Foxy's appetite. An electrolyte replacement solution, such as PediaLyte or similar product, can also be offered.

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My Pekingese is purebred and I've been told their noses are tiny and sometimes need to be clipped. She breaths from her mouth a lot and breathes louder than any of my other animals should I be concerned and when should I do the nose clip?

Pixie is so cute! Yes, sometimes short-nosed dogs like Pixie need a surgery to widen their nostrils so they can breathe easier. Your veterinarian will be able to determine if this surgery is needed, and when to perform the surgery. Some vets like to wait until a dog is full grown, but it can be done at any age. Hope this helps!

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My minpin-chihuahaua has stopped eating. We adopted her almost a year ago. She had major dental surgery and doesnt' have many teeth. She ate science diet small & toy breed light since we got her. She won't eat any dog food now. We've tried all kinds of canned food as well as different dry. She will eat her treats & occasionally a hot dog, burger or chicken. She really likes honey nut cheerios. However, she won't eat anything 2 days in a row. She has diarrhea and today she threw up. Help!

I am very sorry to hear that Belle is experiencing these problems, I am sure it is very unsettling for you both. Unfortunately, with a history of vomiting and diarrhoea, and inappetance for 2 days, I advise you take Belle in to see her vet. There are a number of potentially very serious causes of such clinical signs, including pancreatistis and ingestion of a toxin or poison. Your vet will be able to perform a physical exam and run diagnostic tests such as bloodwork to determine the cause of Belle's vomiting and diarrhoea. In the meantime you can try boiled chicken breast and white rice diet and provide plenty of fresh water. I hope that answer was helpful and more importantly that Belle feels better soon. Warmest regards to you both.

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Hello . What's this dog breed ? Please help me? Is it pure German shepherd?

Beautiful Sharon! The head shape, nose and ears are definitively German Shepard but the tip of the nose should be black in all colors. If you would like to check the other characteristics (i.e. body shape, size,..) you can have a look at this link: Do not hesitate to post again on the forum maybe with more picture with the entire figure or request a consultation if you would like to discuss it any further.

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