My dog pomeranian breed, itches a lot on her back near tail. I checked, there was no cut or harm there. Might be there are some fleas or tick on her body, but she is itching on that same part again and again, instead of any other body parts. Also , is it not normal to have some ticks or flea on their body. Is there any spray fir these ticks or fleas that are recommended.
This is probably due to an allergy, although it could also be infection or mites. First of all, in order to rule out skin parasites, you will need to treat with a high quality flea treatment, then ask the vet to perform a skin scrape - this might reveal an infection or a mite infestation. If all of those came back negative, the next step is to treat the allergy symptomatically and try to discover the cause of the allergy. Three main type of allergies are usually affecting pets: food allergies, flea and parasite related ones and environmental type (allergens coming from trees, pollens, dust etc etc). Some medications can be given by the vet in order to repair any possible skin lesions (like steroids and antibiotics). Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further.
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