How to Litter Train a Kitten
Litter training your kitten is one of the first things you'll want to prioritize when bringing home your new pet. These steps will show you how simple it can be.
Read MoreDiscover how proactive pet care, from regular vet visits to specialized grooming, can support a healthier, happier life for your pet. Learn more about the growing focus on affordable and accessible preventative care at Petco.
Read MorePetco's, Jenny Wolski, shares insights on crafting the ideal holiday gifting experience for pets. Discover how creativity, affordability, and unique touches come together in Petco's Merry Makings collection to bring festive joy to pets and their families.
Read MoreLabrador Retrievers are one of the most common breeds of dogs that have found their place as our beloved companions. Although classified as working dogs, Labradors are generally known for their loyalty, playfulness and gentleness of temperament. If you are the proud owner of a Labrador Retriever, these are the most common health concerns you should be familiar with:
Read MoreGolden retrievers are known for their affectionate, obedient and fun-loving nature. It is no wonder that they are one of the most popular breed of dog to become part of our family. Here are some of the common conditions we observe in Golden retrievers:
Read MoreDiarrhea in cats is a frustrating problems for owners, veterinarians, and certainly for cats, although they can’t tell us directly how they feel about it. Usually in cases of chronic diarrhea (symptoms lasting more than a week) the cat usually seems to be feeling pretty well, but if left undiagnosed and untreated over time the patient can lose weight and start to show signs of general illness, like lethargy, poor haircoat, and dehydration. These problems are due to the effects of reduced nutrient absorption over time. Whatever the inciting agent, nutrients and water aren’t absorbed into the body, and the food that’s ingested makes its way through the intestines much faster than it should, resulting in soft stool. It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of chronic diarrhea in cats. If the diarrhea doesn’t resolve on its own (or perhaps with the addition of a little dietary fiber, like canned pumpkin) in a few days, the cat needs to see a veterinarian for an examination and testing to determine what’s going on. Here’s more information about the possible causes of diarrhea in cats, and what we do about them.
Read MoreAnemones are beautiful invertebrates found in tropical reefs. Their tentacles are venomous, and stun potential prey that comes within reach. Many Anemones have developed a mutually beneficial relationship with clownfish and with some marine crabs. Recommended for experienced marine aquarists only.
Read MoreBefore you bring home your new feline family member it’s important to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian. Visiting the vet right away helps ensure the health of your new kitten as well as of any other pets already living in the home.
Read MoreLearn how to care for Marine FOWLR Aquariums. These tanks have easier upkeep and require less testing and supplementation than a reef tank. You can keep many fish who would generally consume corals and invertebrates, making it a popular setup choice for more aggressive fish.
Read MoreThe unique appearance and bright coloring of starfish provide an appealing addition to aquariums. Feather dusters are a type of fan worm found in coral rubble in most tropical waters around the world. Sea urchins have a calcium carbonate skeleton with moveable spines. Marine Inverts are generally more sensitive and tolerate less environmental change than fish.
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